首页> 外文期刊>Behavioral and Brain Functions >Methylphenidate improves motor functions in children diagnosed with Hyperkinetic Disorder

Methylphenidate improves motor functions in children diagnosed with Hyperkinetic Disorder




Background A previous study showed that a high percentage of children diagnosed with Hyperkinetic Disorder (HKD) displayed a consistent pattern of motor function problems. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of methylphenidate (MPH) on such motor performance in children with HKD Methods 25 drug-na?ve boys, aged 8–12 yr with a HKD-F90.0 diagnosis, were randomly assigned into two groups within a double blind cross-over design, and tested with a motor assessment instrument, during MPH and placebo conditions. Results The percentage of MFNU scores in the sample indicating 'severe motor problems' ranged from 44–84%, typically over 60%. Highly significant improvements in motor performance were observed with MPH compared to baseline ratings on all the 17 subtests of the MFNU 1–2 hr after administration of MPH. There were no significant placebo effects. The motor improvement was consistent with improvement of clinical symptoms. Conclusion The study confirmed our prior clinical observations showing that children with ADHD typically demonstrate marked improvements of motor functions after a single dose of 10 mg MPH. The most pronounced positive MPH response was seen in subtests measuring either neuromotor inhibition, or heightened muscular tone in the gross movement muscles involved in maintaining the alignment and balance of the body. Introduction of MPH generally led to improved balance and a generally more coordinated and controlled body movement.
机译:背景一项先前的研究表明,诊断为运动过度障碍(HKD)的儿童中,有很大比例的运动功能问题呈一致现象。这项研究的目的是研究哌醋甲酯(MPH)对HKD儿童的这种运动表现的影响。方法将25名8-12岁的初生男孩(诊断为HKD-F90.0)随机分配到在双盲交叉设计中分为两组,并在MPH和安慰剂条件下用运动评估仪进行测试。结果样本中表示“严重运动问题”的MFNU分数所占百分比为44-84%,通常超过60%。与MPH给药后1-2小时的MFNU的所有17个子测试的基线额定值相比,MPH观察到的运动性能有显着改善。没有明显的安慰剂作用。运动改善与临床症状改善一致。结论该研究证实了我们先前的临床观察结果,即单剂量10 mg MPH后,多动症儿童通常表现出明显的运动功能改善。在子神经测量中,最明显的阳性MPH反应出现在测量神经运动抑制或参与维持身体平衡和平衡的总体运动肌肉中的肌肉张力升高的子测试中。引入MPH通常可以改善平衡感,并可以使身体运动更加协调和受控。



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