首页> 外文期刊>Cardiology Journal >Secondary prevention of coronary artery disease in contemporary clinical practice

Secondary prevention of coronary artery disease in contemporary clinical practice




Background: The highest priority in preventive cardiology was given to patients with established coronary artery disease (CAD). The aim of the study was to assess the implementation of guidelines for secondary prevention in everyday clinical practice by evaluating control of the main risk factors and the cardioprotective medication prescription rates for patients, following their hospitalization for CAD. Methods: Five hospitals with cardiology departments serving the city and its surrounding districts in southern part of Poland participated in the study. Consecutive patients aged ≤ 80 years, hospitalized from January 1 2010 to April 31 2012 due to an acute coronary syndrome or for a myocardial revascularization procedure were recruited and interviewed 6–18 months after hospitalization. Results: The medical records of 595 patients (mean age: 62.8 ± 9.0 years, 397 men and 198 women) were reviewed and included in the analyses. Proportions of medical records with available information on risk factors were high with the exception of total cholesterol levels as well as weight and height measurements, which were available in less than 80% of the hospital records. The prescription rate at discharge for antiplatelets was 99%, beta-blockers (BB) — 85%, angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEI) or sartans — 85%, and lipid-lowering drugs — 94%. Patients scheduled for coronary artery bypass grafting were significantly less often prescribed BB, ACEI or sartans, and lipid-lowering drugs. The proportion of patients with high blood pressure (≥ 140/90 mm Hg) 6–18 months after hospitalization was 47%, with high LDL cholesterol level (≥ 1.8 mmol/L) 73%, and with a high HbA1c level (≥ 7.0%) 14%, whereas 20% of participants were smokers and 80% were overweight. The proportion of patients taking an antiplatelet agent 6–18 months after hospitalization was 90%, BB — 82%, ACEI — or sartan 78%, and lipid-lowering drug — 82%. Overall, 33.9% of the study participants declared that they had been advised to participate in a rehabilitation/secondary prevention program following their hospitalization and 30.5% participated in a rehabilitation/secondary prevention program. However, only 28.2% took part in at least half of the planned sessions. Using a multivariate analysis we showed that, in general, risk factors control and the prescription rates of cardioprotective medications were related to the patients’ age, education, and participation in a rehabilitation/secondary prevention program following their hospitalization due to CAD. Conclusions: Our data provide evidence that there is a considerable potential for further reduction of cardiovascular risk in CAD patients. Our results suggest that increasing patient participation rates in rehabilitation/secondary prevention programs may improve the implementation of the secondary prevention.
机译:背景:在已确定的冠心病(CAD)患者中,预防性心脏病学的优先考虑最高。这项研究的目的是通过评估患者住院CAD后对主要危险因素和心脏保护药物处方率的控制,评估日常临床实践中二级预防指南的实施情况。方法:五家设有心脏病部门的医院服务于波兰南部的城市及其周边地区。招募了2010年1月1日至2012年4月31日因急性冠脉综合征或因心肌血运重建而入院的80岁以下连续患者,并在住院后6-18个月进行了访谈。结果:回顾了595例患者(平均年龄:62.8±9.0岁,男397例,女198例)的病历,并将其纳入分析。除了总胆固醇水平以及体重和身高的测量值外,尚无有关危险因素信息的医学记录所占比例很高,而医院记录中不到80%可获得这些数据。抗血小板药出院时的处方率为99%,β受体阻滞剂(BB)为85%,血管紧张素转化酶抑制剂(ACEI)或sartans为85%,降脂药为94%。计划进行冠状动脉搭桥术的患者使用BB,ACEI或sartan以及降脂药的频率明显降低。住院后6-18个月的高血压(≥140/90 mm Hg)患者的比例为47%,LDL胆固醇水平(≥1.8 mmol / L)较高的患者为73%,HbA 1c较高水平(≥7.0%)为14%,而吸烟者为20%,超重者为80%。住院后6-18个月服用抗血小板药的患者比例为90%,BB-82%,ACEI-或sartan 78%和降脂药-82%。总体而言,有33.9%的研究参与者表示,建议他们住院后参加康复/二级预防计划,而30.5%的参与者参加康复/二级预防计划。但是,只有28.2%的人参加了至少一半的计划会议。通过多变量分析,我们发现,总体上,由于CAD而住院后,危险因素的控制和心脏保护药物的处方率与患者的年龄,受教育程度以及参与康复/二级预防计划有关。结论:我们的数据提供了证据,表明有进一步降低CAD患者心血管风险的巨大潜力。我们的结果表明,提高患者在康复/二级预防计划中的参与率可能会改善二级预防的实施。



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