首页> 外文期刊>Bulletin of Clinical Psychopharmacology >The prevalence of social phobia in mothers of social phobic children

The prevalence of social phobia in mothers of social phobic children




Objective: The most frequently encountered child psychiatric disorder is anxiety disorders. Social phobia is a common disorder which usually starts in adolescence and causes a severe impairment in educational and work life. In the mother of shy and inhibited children prevalence rates of anxiety disorders and especially social phobia have been reported to be high. The aim of the present study is to investigate the prevalence of social phobic attitudes in the mothers of social phobic children. Methods: Mothers of children between ages 8-16 with a diagnosis of social phobia and mothers of the same age comparison group were assessed with the Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale and the Symptom Checklist-90. Diagnostic interview was made using the SCID I. Results: Though social phobia scores were higher in the social phobic children’s mother compared to the control group (which was comprised of mothres of children with attention de?cit and hyperactivity disorder), the difference was not statistically signi?cant. But the avoidance scores revealed a statistically signi?cant difference. Social phobic children’s mothers have scored signi?cantly higher on depression, hostility and somatization subscales of the symptom checklist. Conclusions: Familial factors have been suggested to play a role in the etiogenesis of social phobia. Not only the presence of social phobia but also depression may have an impact on the rearing practices of parents as well astheir impact on the parents’ emotional well-being. We suggest that our study should be further expanded involving farthers of social phobic children.



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