首页> 外文期刊>Cadernos de Saúde Pública >Leprosy trends in children under 15 years of age in Brazil, 2001-2016Tendencia de la hanseniasis en menores de 15 a?os en Brasil, 2001-2016

Leprosy trends in children under 15 years of age in Brazil, 2001-2016Tendencia de la hanseniasis en menores de 15 a?os en Brasil, 2001-2016




The aim of this study was to analyze trends in the detection rate of leprosy in children under 15 years of age in Brazil from 2001 to 2016. A time series study used the Prais-Winsten procedure for generalized linear regression analysis, with significance set at 5%. The mean detection rate was 5.77 per 100,000 inhabitants. However, a downward trend was observed in this rate, with an annual percent change (APC) of -5% (95%CI: -6.7; -3.3). There was a downward trend in all regions of Brazil. Among the regions, the North maintained a hyperendemic mean detection rate (≥ 10.00 per 100,000 inhabitants). The time series was downward in 19 states of Brazil. However, many states maintained a hyperendemic mean rate, such as Mato Grosso, Pará, Maranh?o, Rond?nia, Roraima, Pernambuco, Piauí, and Acre. Among the eight states that maintained a stationary trend, Tocantins had a hyperendemic mean rate during the period analyzed. Of the 24 Brazilian state capitals included in the study, 14 showed downward trends and 10 stationary trends. Despite the downward trend in new cases, some state capitals maintained hyperendemic mean rates (Teresina, Recife, Cuiabá, Boa Vista, Rio Branco, and Belém). Despite stationary trends, the state capital cities Palmas and S?o Luís recorded hyperendemic mean rates. In conclusion, although the analysis showed a downward trend in Brazil, there were stationary trends and hyperendemicity in some states and in some state capitals, highlighting the persistence of sources of transmissibility and difficulty in eliminating leprosy from the country.
机译:这项研究的目的是分析2001年至2016年巴西15岁以下儿童的麻风病检出率趋势。一项时间序列研究使用Prais-Winsten程序进行广义线性回归分析,其显着性设为5 %。平均检出率为每10万居民中5.77个。但是,该比率呈下降趋势,年度变化百分比(APC)为-5%(95%CI:-6.7; -3.3)。巴西所有地区都有下降的趋势。在这些地区中,北部保持了高流行的平均检出率(每100,000居民≥10.00)。在巴西的19个州中,时间序列在下降。但是,许多州仍然保持高流行病的平均发生率,例如马托格罗索州,帕拉州,马拉尼奥州,朗德尼亚州,罗赖马州,伯南布哥州,皮奥伊州和英亩州。在八个保持平稳趋势的州中,Tocantins在所分析的时期内具有高流行平均率。研究中包括的24个巴西州首府中,有14个呈下降趋势,有10个呈平稳趋势。尽管新病例呈下降趋势,但一些州首府仍保持高流行平均率(Teresina,累西腓,Cuiabá,Boa Vista,Rio Branco和Belém)。尽管趋势呈平稳态势,但州府城市帕尔马斯和索菲峰仍录得高流行率。总之,尽管分析显示巴西的下降趋势,但某些州和某些州首府有平稳的趋势和高度流行,突出了传染源的持久性和消除该国麻风的困难。



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