首页> 外文期刊>Bulletin of the Medical Library Association. >Cost-performance analysis of cataloging and card production in a medical center library.

Cost-performance analysis of cataloging and card production in a medical center library.




The unit cost of cataloging current English language monographs was studies and compared with the cost of purchasing catalog cards from a commercial source. Two hypotheses were proposed: (1) in-library costs for cataloging and card production are higher than those for the purchased-card method; (2) throughput time is faster for the in-library method. In addition, the data can be used to develop an analytical cost-performance model for administrative purposes. The data presented support the hypotheses. The model developed provides a mechanism for arriving at a cost for different levels of service and can be used to measure the performance of other alternative methods of cataloging. Implications for the use of CATLINE are discussed and suggestions for further studies are described.
机译:研究了编目当前英语专着的单位成本,并将其与从商业来源购买目录卡的成本进行了比较。提出了两个假设:(1)编目和卡片生产的图书馆内费用高于购买卡片方法的图书馆内费用; (2)对于库内方法,吞吐时间更快。此外,该数据可用于开发用于管理目的的成本效益分析模型。所提供的数据支持这些假设。开发的模型提供了一种机制,可以为不同级别的服务带来成本,并且可以用于衡量其他替代编目方法的性能。讨论了使用CATLINE的含义,并描述了进一步研究的建议。



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