
Anaesthetics Afloat




This is a compact little book by a naval officer who is also a physician. He views his subject as an expert anesthetist and writes with the punch of a Navy man. While he discusses the advantages of a wide variety of anesthetic agents, he also warns of their contraindications. The same is true of complications and treatment. He does not leave the reader dangling, puzzled over some emergency that might arise. The simple tests for tolerance of the anesthetics available to men on board ship are lucidly set forth. This latter section provides a terse refresher outline of value to any anesthetist. As the anestetist Dr. Woolmer states: "The path of anesthesia is liberally supplied with sign posts and land marks. A sound knowledge of these signs and a cool head should be sufficient to ensure successful anesthesia." As the Navy officer he picturesquely tells us: "To give a good gas to a tough sailor is one of the most difficult tasks in anesthesia. The inexperienced anesthetist faced with this problem resorts all too often to asphyxia on the theory of 'the tougher, the blacker.' . . . This replacement (nitrous oxide for nitrogen in the blood plasma) takes time, so that 'the tougher, the slower' should be the guiding principle."
机译:这是一本既是医师又是海军官的紧凑型小书。他将自己的科目视为麻醉专家,并以海军士兵的拳头写作。在讨论各种麻醉剂的优点时,他还警告了它们的禁忌症。并发症和治疗也是如此。他不会让读者摇晃,对可能发生的紧急情况感到困惑。清楚地提出了船上可用的麻醉剂耐受性的简单测试。后面的部分为麻醉师提供了一个简短的价值提纲。正如麻醉学家伍尔默博士所言:“麻醉的道路上自由地设有标志杆和地标。对这些标志的充分了解和冷静的头脑应该足以确保麻醉成功。”正如海军军官如诗如画地告诉我们:“给坚强的水手充好气是麻醉中最困难的任务之一。面对这一问题的经验不足的麻醉师常常将窒息问题归结为'坚强的理论,更黑。” ……这种替换(血浆中氮的一氧化二氮)需要时间,因此,“更强,更慢”应该是指导原则。”



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