首页> 外文期刊>Brazilian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences >Solubility evaluation of didanosine: a comparison between the equilibrium method and intrinsic dissolution for biopharmaceutics classification purposes

Solubility evaluation of didanosine: a comparison between the equilibrium method and intrinsic dissolution for biopharmaceutics classification purposes




BCS (Biopharmaceutics Classification System) and BDDCS (Biopharmaceutics Drug Disposition Classification System) were proposed as tools for classifying drugs into four categories. Both systems consider the solubility as an important characteristic for the classification of compounds in drug development and in vivo disposition prediction. Although some results of drug solubility can be found in the literature, the aforementioned characteristic is not entirely clear when considering didanosine (ddI). Based on that, the solubility of ddI was evaluated using equilibrium and intrinsic dissolution methods. For the equilibrium method, excess amount of ddI was added to each media until obtaining a supersaturated solution and the mixture was submitted to agitation at 37 ?°C. For the intrinsic dissolution method, the drug was compressed into the Wood's apparatus matrix and subjected to dissolution in each media with agitation at 37 ?°C. The results obtained from the equilibrium method indicated that it was necessary 139.37 mL of pH 1.2 media, 87.72 mL of pH 4.5 media, 12.54 mL of pH 6.8 media, 5.03 mL of pH 7.5 media and 7.65 mL of purified water for drug solubilization. Furthermore, a very fast intrinsic dissolution rate (IDR) was obtained for each media: 0.1 mg/min/cm?2 (pH 1.2), 0.2 mg/min/cm?2 (pH 4.5), 0.2 mg/min/cm?2 (pH 6.8), 0.1 mg/min/cm?2 (pH 7.5) and 0.1 mg/min/cm?2 (purified water). Based on these results, ddI can be considered as a highly soluble drug for both equilibrium and intrinsic dissolution methods.
机译:提出了将BCS(生物制药分类系统)和BDDCS(生物药物处置分类系统)作为将药物分为四类的工具。两种系统都将溶解度视为药物开发和体内处置预测中化合物分类的重要特征。尽管在文献中可以找到一些药物溶解性的结果,但是当考虑使用去羟肌苷(ddI)时,上述特征尚不完全清楚。基于此,使用平衡和固有溶解方法评估了ddI的溶解度。对于平衡法,将过量的ddI添加到每种介质中,直到获得过饱和溶液为止,并将混合物在37℃下搅拌。对于本征溶解方法,将药物压缩到伍德仪器的基质中,并在37°C的搅拌下使其溶解在每种介质中。从平衡法获得的结果表明,需要139.37 mL的pH 1.2介质,87.72 mL的pH 4.5介质,12.54 mL的pH 6.8介质,5.03 mL的pH 7.5介质和7.65 mL的纯水进行药物增溶。此外,对于每种介质,获得非常快的固有溶解速率(IDR):0.1mg / min / cm 2(pH 1.2),0.2mg / min / cm 2(pH 4.5),0.2mg / min / cm 2。 2(pH 6.8),0.1mg / min / cm 2(pH 7.5)和0.1mg / min / cm 2(纯水)。基于这些结果,ddI可以视为平衡和固有溶解方法的高可溶性药物。



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