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The Effect of Environmental Health Indicators Against Dengue Under 5 Years Old Cases Based on Sub District of Batam City in 2009




Background: controlling of dengue haemorrhagic was still a complicated problems, because it has not found a cure. The best way to prevent dengue fever was to control mosquito larvae Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF). The existence of Aedes aegypti larvae in an area is an indicator of the presence of populations of Ae. aegypti in that area. In an effort to determine the interventions on the incidence of dengue in the city of Batam through mosquito larvae control, need to know how much infl uence the larvae of Ae. aegypti free house to dengue cases. The purpose of this discussion is to know what variables affect the dengue cases in the city of Batam. Methods: analysis of data using linear regression analysis. Signifi cance values provide information on the variables that signifi cantly affect the number of dengue cases in the city of Batam, so the government can seek for each house is required to be free of larvae. Results: results of the analysis provides information that the value of a statistical p-value indicates the number 0,017 on variables healthy home. Conclution: there is a signifi cant infl uence between the variables of a healthy home for the presence of dengue cases in the city of Batam. Recomendation: This suggests that a healthy home include sanitation, adequate ventilation, good lighting, good management of water access and other problems causing the lack of space used as breeding places of Ae. aegypti. Many factors affect the presence of dengue among others to note is altitude, ecology and bionomik, eggs, larvae and pupae, adult mosquitoes, the habit of perching, fl ying range, as well as the life span of transovarial transmission.
机译:背景:控制登革出血热仍然是一个复杂的问题,因为尚未找到治愈方法。预防登革热的最好方法是控制蚊子幼虫登革出血热(DHF)。埃及伊蚊幼虫的存在表明该地区有埃及伊蚊。那个地区的埃及。为了确定通过蚊虫幼虫控制巴淡岛市登革热发病率的干预措施,需要知道对伊蚊幼虫的影响程度。 aegypti免费房屋登革热病例。讨论的目的是了解哪些变量会影响巴淡岛市的登革热病例。方法:数据分析采用线性回归分析。重要值提供了有关变量的信息,这些变量显着影响巴淡岛市的登革热病例数,因此,政府可以要求每所房屋均不含幼虫。结果:分析结果提供的信息是,统计p值的值指示健康房屋变量上的数字0,017。结论:在巴淡岛市,对于登革热病例而言,健康家庭的变量之间存在显着影响。建议:这表明一个健康的家园应包括卫生,充足的通风,良好的照明,良好的供水管理以及其他导致缺少用作Ae繁殖地的空间的问题。埃及。许多因素会影响登革热的发生,其中尤其要注意的是海拔,生态和生物特征,卵,幼虫和p,成年蚊子,栖息的习性,飞行范围以及经卵巢传播的寿命。



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