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The Next Pandemic - Tuberculosis: The Oldest Disease of Mankind Rising One More Time




Mycobacterium tuberculosis was first isolated on 24th March 1882 by a German Physician Robert Koch, who received a Nobel Prize for this discovery in 1905 1. Tuberculosis is one of the oldest diseases in the history of mankind with evidence of tubercular decay found in some Egyptian mummies from 3000-2400 BC 2. The study of tuberculosis was also known as phthisiatry from phthisis, the Greek term for tuberculosis. Hippocrates identified phthisis as the most widespread disease of the time which involved the coughing up of blood, fever and was almost always fatal 3. Avicenna first identified that pulmonary TB was an infectious disease and developed the method of quarantine in order to limit the spread of disease 4 & 5. The disease was given the name of tuberculosis in 1839 by JL Schonlein 6.
机译:结核分枝杆菌最早于1882年3月24日由德国医师罗伯特·科赫(Robert Koch)分离,他因这一发现而在1905年获得诺贝尔奖 1 。结核病是人类历史上最古老的疾病之一,有证据表明在公元前3000-2400年 2 的一些埃及木乃伊中发现了结核病。结核病的研究也被称为phthisiatry,是希腊语中的phthisis。希波克拉底认为Phphiis是当时最广泛的疾病,涉及咳血,发烧,几乎总是致命的 3 。 Avicenna首先确定肺结核是一种传染性疾病,因此开发了隔离方法以限制疾病 4&5 的传播。 JL Schonlein 6 在1839年将这种疾病命名为结核病。



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