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Synchronus paraspinal and hepatic hydatid disease ; a rare presentation




Hydatid cystic disease is a common zoonotic infection in the Indian subcontinent. However in the following case we report a rare presentation found in a young patient synchronously in the paraspinal and intrahepatic location without intercommunication. A high index of clinical suspicion is necessary for diagnosis. Hydatid disease is to Echinococcus species commonly granulosus, sometimes multilocularis. The common locations of hydatid cysts are the liver (65% to 75%) and lungs (25%-30%). Hydatid disease rarely develops in locations such as spleen, kidney, bones, heart, brain, peritoneum, myocardium and muscles (1-4%). A 25 year old male presented with complaining of backache on the right and fullness in the right paraspinal region. On clinical examination he had a non ballotable lump in right paraspinal region within intra muscular plane extending from posterior subcostal margin to iliac region. CT abdomen (P+C) revealed a well defined hypodence non-enhancing cystic lesion in the right lobe of the liver with peripheral calcification with lesion of similar morphology in right paraspinal muscles. Exploration of the right paraspinal region was done. Cyst was beneath the oblique & lattisimus dorsi, superficial to psoas muscle without invasion in it. Cyst opened multiple daughter cysts along with pus evacuated. Cyst excised in totto without spillage. Hydatid cyst is frequently asymptomatic, most prevalent in sheep and cattle-breeding areas. The cysts can not easily grow in muscles due to their contractility and lactic acid content. The latent period of cyst development varies between 5-20 years. Surgery is the optimal treatment for hydatid cysts. Open cyst evacuation is indicated for gharbi types 4&5, posterior cysts, central cysts, more than 3 cysts, infected cysts, biliary communication, pulmonary communication & peritoneal rupture. Alternative therapy with non-toxic scolocidal agents or combination chemotherapy has been advocated in the management of recurrence and high risk of contamination.
机译:包虫囊性疾病是印度次大陆常见的人畜共患病感染。但是,在以下情况下,我们报告了在一名年轻患者中,在脊柱旁和肝内位置同步发生的罕见表现,而没有相互交流。高临床怀疑指数对于诊断是必要的。包虫病是棘球species种常见的颗粒状,有时是多眼的。包虫囊肿的常见部位是肝脏(65%至75%)和肺部(25%-30%)。包虫病很少在诸如脾脏,肾脏,骨骼,心脏,大脑,腹膜,心肌和肌肉的位置发生(1-4%)。一名25岁男性,主诉右侧脊柱旁区域右侧和饱满背痛。在临床检查中,他在从后肋下缘到sp骨区的肌内平面内的右椎旁旁区域有一个不可投票的肿块。 CT腹部(P + C)显示肝脏右叶有明确定义的伪性非增强性非增强性囊性病变,周围钙化伴有右椎旁肌形态相似的病变。探索了右椎旁区域。囊肿位于斜背肌和背阔肌下方,位于腰肌表面,无浸润。囊肿打开多个女儿囊肿,并排空脓液。囊肿被切除,没有溢出。包虫囊肿通常是无症状的,在绵羊和牛育种地区最普遍。由于囊肿的收缩力和乳酸含量,它们不容易在肌肉中生长。囊肿发展的潜伏期在5-20年之间。手术是包虫囊肿的最佳治疗方法。开放性囊肿疏散适用于4型和5型gharbi,后囊肿,中央囊肿,3个以上囊肿,感染性囊肿,胆道通讯,肺部通讯和腹膜破裂。在复发和高污染风险的管理中,已提倡使用无毒杀菌剂或联合化疗的替代疗法。



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