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Case Presentation: Reflex Anoxic Seizures and Anaesthesia




Reflex anoxic seizures (‘RAS’) may present, as potentially life threatening events, but these are often preventable. They are most common in preschool children (but can occur in any age) and more so in females. As a cause of seizures they are not rare; one study estimated a frequency of 8 in 1000 preschool children1, but they are often misdiagnosed. The pathophysiology of RAS is vagally mediated – a noxious stimulus causes a supranormal vagal discharge resulting in bradycardia and then astystole2. This then results in cerebral under perfusion and hypoxia. During this time the patient is often noted to become very pale with dusky lips, initially flaccid and then tonic with rigid extension and clenched jaws. They may then have a generalised convulsion, often with rolling eyes and urinary incontinence. The patient spontaneously recovers (the whole episode lasting around 30 to 60 seconds) and will feel somnolent, often remaining pale for a while.
机译:反射性缺氧性癫痫(RAS)可能会威胁生命,但通常是可以预防的。它们在学龄前儿童中最常见(但可以在任何年龄发生),在女性中更常见。作为癫痫发作的原因并不罕见。一项研究估计每1000名学龄前儿童中有8名儿童出现频率1,但他们经常被误诊。 RAS的病理生理是通过阴道介导的–有害刺激会导致迷走神经超正常放电,从而导致心动过缓,然后引起喘息。然后,这会导致脑部灌注不足和缺氧。在此期间,通常会注意到患者的嘴唇变得苍白,嘴唇发暗,起初松弛,然后滋补,僵硬的伸展和下巴紧绷。然后,他们可能会出现全身性惊厥,通常伴有翻滚的眼睛和尿失禁。患者自发恢复(整个发作持续约30至60秒),并且会感到清醒,常常会保持一阵苍白。



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