首页> 外文期刊>British Journal of Medical Practitioners >Psychiatric Morbidity in Children and Adolescent Survivors of a Snowstorm Disaster in South Kashmir, India.

Psychiatric Morbidity in Children and Adolescent Survivors of a Snowstorm Disaster in South Kashmir, India.




Objective: To determine the long term psychiatric morbidity in children and adolescents in a snowstorm affected area in South Kashmir, India. Methods: It is a cross sectional study done in a disaster affected population of children and adolescents in South Kashmir 5 years after the disaster. Mini International Neuropsychiatric interview for children and adolescents (MINI-KID) was applied for evaluation of symptoms and diagnosis on a randomly selected group of 100 children and adolescents. A semi-structured proforma was prepared for socio-demographic profile. Kuppuswamy's Socioeconomic Status Scale, 2007 was used for determining socio-economic status. Oslo-3 Social Support Scale (OSS-3) was used to calculate social support. Results : Of the 100 children and adolescents studied (41.32% of the affected population of children and adolescents) 41 were noted to have at least one psychiatric diagnosis (patients). PTSD (14%) was the commonest diagnosis followed by GAD (5%), MDD (4%) and separation anxiety disorder (4%). Psychiatric morbidity was found to be more prevalent in Pre-Adolescents, Females, Primary schoolers, joint families, upper & lower socio economic classes, only-childs and in those with poor social support. Conclusion : Prevalence of psychiatric disorders remain high in children and adolescents long after the disaster has happened.
机译:目的:确定印度南克什米尔地区受雪灾影响的儿童和青少年的长期精神病发病率。方法:这项横断面研究是在灾难发生5年后,在克什米尔南部受灾的儿童和青少年群体中进行的。迷你国际儿童和青少年神经精神病学访谈(MINI-KID)用于随机选择的100名儿童和青少年组的症状评估和诊断。准备半结构形式的社会人口统计学资料。库普斯瓦米(Kuppuswamy)的《 2007年社会经济地位量表》用于确定社会经济地位。使用Oslo-3社会支持量表(OSS-3)来计算社会支持。结果:在研究的100名儿童和青少年中(占受影响儿童和青少年的41.32%),有41名被诊断出至少患有精神病(患者)。 PTSD(14%)是最常见的诊断,其次是GAD(5%),MDD(4%)和分离性焦虑症(4%)。发现精神疾病的发病率在青春期前,女性,小学学生,共同家庭,社会经济上下阶层,独生子女和社会支持差的人群中更为普遍。结论:灾难发生后很长一段时间,儿童和青少年的精神疾病患病率仍然很高。



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