首页> 外文期刊>BMC Plant Biology >A novel method for efficient and abundant production of Phytophthora brassicae zoospores on Brussels sprout leaf discs

A novel method for efficient and abundant production of Phytophthora brassicae zoospores on Brussels sprout leaf discs




Background Phytophthora species are notorious oomycete pathogens that cause diseases on a wide range of plants. Our understanding how these pathogens are able to infect their host plants will benefit greatly from information obtained from model systems representative for plant- Phytophthora interactions. One attractive model system is the interaction between Arabidopsis and Phytophthora brassicae . Under laboratory conditions, Arabidopsis can be easily infected with mycelial plugs as inoculum. In the disease cycle, however, sporangia or zoospores are the infectious propagules. Since the current P. brassicae zoospore isolation methods are generally regarded as inefficient, we aimed at developing an alternative method for obtaining high concentrations of P. brassicae zoospores. Results P. brassicae isolates were tested for pathogenicity on Brussels sprout plants ( Brassica oleracea var. gemmifera ). Microscopic examination of leaves, stems and roots infected with a GFP-tagged transformant of P. brassicae clearly demonstrated the susceptibility of the various tissues. Leaf discs were cut from infected Brussels sprout leaves, transferred to microwell plates and submerged in small amounts of water. In the leaf discs the hyphae proliferated and abundant formation of zoosporangia was observed. Upon maturation the zoosporangia released zoospores in high amounts and zoospore production continued during a period of at least four weeks. The zoospores were shown to be infectious on Brussels sprouts and Arabidopsis. Conclusion The in vitro leaf disc method established from P. brassicae infected Brussels sprout leaves facilitates convenient and high-throughput production of infectious zoospores and is thus suitable to drive small and large scale inoculation experiments. The system has the advantage that zoospores are produced continuously over a period of at least one month.
机译:背景疫霉菌是臭名昭著的卵菌病原体,可在多种植物上引起疾病。我们从代表植物-疫霉菌相互作用的模型系统中获得的信息将大大有益于我们对这些病原体如何感染其寄主植物的理解。一种有吸引力的模型系统是拟南芥和芸苔疫霉之间的相互作用。在实验室条件下,拟南芥很容易被菌丝体菌体接种。然而,在疾病周期中,孢子囊或游动孢子是传染性繁殖体。由于一般认为目前的芸苔假孢子游动孢子分离方法效率低下,因此我们旨在开发一种替代方法来获得高浓度的芸苔假孢子游动孢子。结果测试了芸苔假单胞菌分离物对抱子甘蓝植物(Brassica oleracea var.gemmifera)的致病性。显微镜检查的叶,茎和根感染了带有GFP标签的芸苔假单胞菌转化子,清楚地表明了各种组织的敏感性。从感染的布鲁塞尔芽菜叶上切下圆片,转移到微孔板中,然后浸入少量水中。在叶盘中,观察到菌丝增殖并形成大量的游动孢子囊。成熟后,游动孢子囊释放出大量游动孢子,并且游动孢子的产生持续至少四周的时间。游动孢子被证明对抱子甘蓝和拟南芥具有传染性。结论利用由芸苔假单胞菌感染的布鲁塞尔芽菜叶建立的体外叶盘法可方便,高通量生产感染性游动孢子,因此适合进行小规模和大规模的接种实验。该系统的优点是游动孢子在至少一个月的时间内连续产生。



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