首页> 外文期刊>British Journal of Pharmaceutical Research >Effect of Resveratrol on Liver Histopathology of Lead-induced Toxicity in Wistar Rats

Effect of Resveratrol on Liver Histopathology of Lead-induced Toxicity in Wistar Rats




Aims: To investigate the effect of resveratrol on liver histopathology of lead-induced toxicity in wistar rats. Study Design: Experimental Study. Place and Duration of Study: Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria (11° 10' N, 07° 38' E), at the elevation of 650 m above sea level, located in the Northern Guinea Savannah zone of Nigeria and August- September, 2014. Methodology: The study employed wistar rats (150 - 250 g) which were administered carboxymethylcellulose 10 g/l (control), lead acetate solution (120 mg/kg), lead acetate solution (120 mg/kg) and succimer (10 mg/kg BW); lead acetate solution (120 mg/kg) and resveratrol (200 mg/kg); lead acetate solution (120 mg/kg) and resveratrol (400 mg/kg); and resveratrol alone (400 mg/kg) then administered lead acetate solution (120 mg/kg) daily for 2 weeks and considered as prophylactic group. All treatments were through the oral route for different days. After the animals were euthanized, liver was removed from the rats and fixed in 10% formalin for at least 48 h. Livers were then processed routinely, and the tissues were embedded in paraffin wax. Histological sections was cut at 5 – 6 μm and stained with routine haematoxylin and eosin (H and E). A detailed microscopic examination was carried out by a consultant histopathologist. Photomicrograph of the liver was taken at magnification (x 250). Results: In the liver, necrotic cell (hepatocyte), vacuolated hepatocyte, fatty changes and hydropic degeneration were observed in positive control group. In addition, there was an interrupted liver parenchyma with evidence of hyperemia in the liver sinusoids, complete congested central vein. Conclusion: We concluded that lead poisoning in wistar rats causes toxicopathological changes in the liver of the wistar rats. Furthermore, the use of resveratrol as a protective agent can reduce the toxic effect of lead poisoning and improve the histopathological lesions observed in wistar rats at doses tested.
机译:目的:探讨白藜芦醇对Wistar大鼠铅诱导的毒性的肝脏组织病理学的影响。研究设计:实验研究。研究的地点和持续时间:扎里亚(11°10'N,07°38'E),阿马杜贝洛大学药理学和治疗学系,位于尼日利亚北几内亚萨凡纳地区,海拔650 m和2014年8月至9月。方法:研究使用wistar大鼠(150-250 g),分别给予羧甲基纤维素10 g / l(对照),乙酸铅溶液(120 mg / kg),乙酸铅溶液(120 mg / kg) )和琥珀酸酯(10毫克/千克体重);乙酸铅溶液(120 mg / kg)和白藜芦醇(200 mg / kg);乙酸铅溶液(120 mg / kg)和白藜芦醇(400 mg / kg);单独使用白藜芦醇(400 mg / kg),然后每天服用乙酸铅溶液(120 mg / kg)2周,并视为预防组。所有治疗都是通过口服途径在不同的日子进行的。对动物实施安乐死后,从大鼠中取出肝脏,并在10%福尔马林中固定至少48小时。然后常规处理肝脏,并将组织包埋在石蜡中。将组织切片切成5 – 6μm,并用常规苏木精和曙红(H和E)染色。由顾问组织病理学家进行了详细的显微镜检查。肝脏的显微照片放大倍数(×250)拍摄。结果:在阳性对照组中,在肝脏中观察到坏死细胞(肝细胞),空泡肝细胞,脂肪变化和水样变性。此外,肝实质间断,肝窦内充血,中央静脉完全充血。结论:我们得出结论,铅中毒在wistar大鼠中引起了wistar大鼠肝脏的毒理病理变化。此外,使用白藜芦醇作为保护剂可以降低铅中毒的毒性作用,并改善以测试剂量在wistar大鼠中观察到的组织病理学损害。



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