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Daniel Foote, M.D., of Cambridge: The Evidence in Print and from the Sloane Collection

机译:剑桥大学医学博士丹尼尔·富特(Daniel Foote):《印刷证据》和《斯隆珍藏》



This article introduces the physician and translator Daniel Foote (1629-1700), predominantly though his little-examined manuscripts in the Sloane Collection. Foote survives in the scholarly memory principally as the translator of the unpublished ‘Observations’ of Francis Mercury Van Helmont (1682) and sometimes as a contributor to a dispute in the Royal Society’s Philosophical Transactions about William Simpson’s Hydrologia Chymica (1669). It is largely forgotten that he was the translator of a published text, John Conrad Amman’s The Talking Deaf Man (1694), and scarcely acknowledged that a collection of over 30 manuscripts in his hand lie in the Sloane Collection. This article therefore provides an introduction to the contents of those manuscripts. The materials illuminate Foote’s education, reading, intellectual preferences, medical beliefs and religious convictions. They demonstrate that from the 1660s onwards, he translated prolifically and that, although the two Van Helmonts are the most frequently occurring subjects of his translations, his efforts were by no means confined to rendering works by those two. The Sloane manuscripts also include straightforward transcriptions of texts which existed in print (some difficult to obtain) and a collection of commonplace books containing notes on medicine, theology, logic, ethics, literature and the sermons Foote heard, offering insights into Foote’s reading and learning practices. Finally, the collection enables inferences about Foote’s mostly unnoticed religious identity, offering a portrait of varied theological reading and interests, but with an emphasis on non-conformity developing into an interest in Quakerism in the years following 1662 and the Great Ejection, of which he has been reported to have been a victim.
机译:本文主要介绍医生和译者丹尼尔·富特(Daniel Foote)(1629-1700),尽管他对《史隆收藏》的手稿未经审查。富特主要是作为未出版的弗朗西斯·水星范·海尔蒙特(1682)的《观察》的译者而保存在学术记忆中的,有时还作为皇家学会有关威廉·辛普森(William Simpson)的《水文学》(Hydrologia Chymica)(1669)的哲学著作纠纷的撰稿人。人们几乎忘记了他是约翰·康拉德·安曼(John Conrad Amman)的《会说话的聋人》(The Talking Deaf Man)(1694)的译本的译者,并且几乎不承认他手中有30多种手抄本。因此,本文对这些手稿的内容进行了介绍。这些材料阐明了Foote的教育,阅读,智力偏好,医学信仰和宗教信仰。他们证明,从1660年代开始,他就进行了多语言的翻译,尽管这两个范·海尔蒙特是他翻译中最频繁出现的主题,但他的努力绝不限于这两个译本。斯隆的手稿还包括印刷版文本的直接抄写(有些很难获得),以及一些平凡的书集,其中包含医学,神学,逻辑学,伦理学,文学和佛道听过的讲道的注释,从而可以深入了解佛道的阅读和学习实践。最后,该收藏品可以推断出Foote大部分未被人注意的宗教身份,提供了各种神学读物和兴趣的画像,但着重强调了不服从在1662年和他的大喷射之后的几年中对Quakerism产生了兴趣。据报道是受害者。



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