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International practice patterns and factors associated with non-conventional hemodialysis utilization




Background The purpose of our study was to determine characteristics that influence the utilization of non-conventional hemodialysis (NCHD) therapies and its subtypes (nocturnal (NHD), short daily (SDHD), long conventional (LCHD) and conventional hemodialysis (CHD) as well as provider attitudes regarding the evidence for NCHD use. Methods An international cohort of subscribers of a nephrology education website http://www.nephrologynow.com webcite was invited to participate in an online survey. Non-conventional hemodialysis was defined as any forms of hemodialysis delivered > 3 treatments per week and/or > 4 hours per session. NHD and SDHD included both home and in-centre. Respondents were categorized as CHD if their centre only offered conventional thrice weekly hemodialysis. Variables associated with NCHD and its subtypes were determined using multivariate logistic regression analysis. The survey assessed multiple domains regarding NCHD including reasons for initiating and discontinuing, for not offering and attitudes regarding evidence. Results 544 surveys were completed leading to a 15.6% response rate. The final cohort was limited to 311 physicians. Dialysis modalities utilized among the respondents were as follows: NCHD194 (62.4%), NHD 83 (26.7%), SDHD 107 (34.4%), LCHD 81 (26%) and CHD 117 (37.6%). The geographic regions of participants were as follows: 11.9% Canada, 26.7% USA, 21.5% Europe, 6.1% Australia/New Zealand, 10% Africa/Middle East, 10.9% Asia and 12.9% South America. Variables associated with NCHD utilization included NCHD training (OR 2.47 CI 1.25-4.16), government physician reimbursement (OR 2.66, CI 1.11-6.40), practicing at an academic centre (OR 2.28 CI 1.25-4.16), higher national health care expenditure and number of ESRD patients per centre. Hemodialysis providers with patients on NCHD were significantly more likely to agree with the statements that NCHD improves quality of life, improves nutritional status, reduces EPO requirements and is cost effective. The most common reasons to initiate NCHD were driven by patient preference and the desire to improve volume control and global health outcomes. Conclusion Physician attitudes toward the evidence for NCHD differ significantly between NCHD providers and conventional HD providers. Interventions and health policy targeting these areas along with increased physician education and training in NCHD modalities may be effective in increasing its utilization.
机译:背景技术我们的研究目的是确定影响非常规血液透析(NCHD)治疗及其亚型(夜间(NHD),每日短时间(SDHD),长期常规(LCHD)和常规血液透析(CHD))使用的特征。方法:邀请国际肾病学教育网站http://www.nephrologynow.com网站的用户参加在线调查,将非常规血液透析定义为任何形式每周接受≥3次治疗和/或每疗程≥4小时接受血液透析的患者•NHD和SDHD包括家庭和中心人群。如果他们的中心仅提供常规的每周三次血液透析,则被访者归类为CHD。与NCHD及其亚型相关的变量通过多因素logistic回归分析来确定。调查评估了关于NCHD的多个领域,包括启动和终止的原因ng,因为没有提供证据和对证据的态度。结果完成544次调查,答复率为15.6%。最后的队列仅限于311位医生。受访者使用的透析方式如下:NCHD194(62.4%),NHD 83(26.7%),SDHD 107(34.4%),LCHD 81(26%)和CHD 117(37.6%)。参加者的地理区域如下:11.9%的加拿大,26.7%的美国,21.5%的欧洲,6.1%的澳大利亚/新西兰,10%的非洲/中东,10.9%的亚洲和12.9%的南美。与NCHD使用相关的变量包括NCHD培训(OR 2.47 CI 1.25-4.16),政府医师报销(OR 2.66,CI 1.11-6.40),在学术中心执业(OR 2.28 CI 1.25-4.16),更高的国家医疗保健支出和每个中心的ESRD患者数量。患有NCHD的血液透析服务提供者更可能同意NCHD改善生活质量,改善营养状况,降低EPO需求且具有成本效益的说法。引发NCHD的最常见原因是患者的偏爱以及改善音量控制和整体健康结果的愿望。结论在NCHD提供者和常规HD提供者之间,医师对NCHD证据的态度差异很大。针对这些领域的干预措施和卫生政策,以及对医师的更多教育和对NCHD模式的培训,可能会有效地提高其利用率。



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