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Knee movement patterns of injured and uninjured adolescent basketball players when landing from a jump: A case-control study




Background A common knee injury mechanism sustained during basketball is landing badly from a jump. Landing is a complex task and requires good coordination, dynamic muscle control and flexibility. For adolescents whose coordination and motor control has not fully matured, landing badly from a jump can present a significant risk for injury. There is currently limited biomechanical information regarding the lower limb kinetics of adolescents when jumping, specifically regarding jump kinematics comparing injured with uninjured adolescents. This study reports on an investigation of biomechanical differences in landing patterns of uninjured and injured adolescent basketball players. Methods A matched case-control study design was employed. Twenty-two basketball players aged 14–16 years participated in the study: eleven previously knee-injured and eleven uninjured players matched with cases for age, gender, weight, height and years of play, and playing for the same club. Six high-speed, three-dimensional Vicon 370 cameras (120 Hz), Vicon biomechanical software and SAS Version 8 software were employed to analyse landing patterns when subjects performed a "jump shot". Linear correlations determined functional relationships between the biomechanical performance of lower limb joints, and paired t-tests determined differences between the normalised peak biomechanical parameters. Results The average peak vertical ground reaction forces between the cases and controls were similar. The average peak ground reaction forces between the cases and controls were moderately correlated (r = -0.47). The control (uninjured) players had significantly greater hip and knee flexion angles and significantly greater eccentric activity on landing than the uninjured cases ( p Conclusion The findings of the study indicate that players with a history of knee injuries had biomechanically compromised landing techniques when compared with uninjured players matched for gender, age and club. Descriptions (norms) of expected levels of knee control, proprioceptive acuity and eccentric strength relative to landing from a jump, at different ages and physical developmental stages, would assist clinicians and coaches to identify players with inappropriate knee performance comparable to their age or developmental stage.
机译:背景技术篮球运动中常见的膝盖受伤机制是由于跳跃而严重着地。着陆是一项复杂的任务,需要良好的协调性,动态的肌肉控制和灵活性。对于协调能力和运动控制能力尚未完全成熟的青少年,跳高着陆会严重伤害他人。目前,关于青少年跳跃时下肢动力学的生物力学信息有限,特别是关于将受伤的青少年与未受伤的青少年进行比较的跳跃运动学。这项研究报告了对未受伤和受伤的青少年篮球运动员着陆方式的生物力学差异的调查。方法采用匹配的病例对照研究设计。 22名年龄在14至16岁之间的篮球运动员参加了这项研究:11名先前膝盖受伤的球员和11名未受伤的球员,以及年龄,性别,体重,身高和比赛年限以及在同一家具乐部比赛的情况。当受试者进行“跳跃射击”时​​,使用六个高速三维Vicon 370摄像机(120 Hz),Vicon生物力学软件和SAS Version 8软件来分析着陆模式。线性相关性确定了下肢关节的生物力学性能之间的功能关系,配对的t检验确定了标准化峰生物力学参数之间的差异。结果病例与对照组之间的平均垂直地面反作用力峰值相似。病例与对照之间的平均峰值地面反作用力具有中等相关性(r = -0.47)。对照(未受伤)运动员的髋部和膝盖屈曲角度以及着陆时的偏心活动比未受伤者明显更大(p结论)研究结果表明,与膝伤史相比,有膝关节损伤历史的运动员在生物力学上损害了着陆技术性别,年龄和俱乐部相匹配的未受伤球员,在不同年龄和身体发育阶段,预期的膝关节控制水平,本体感受敏锐度和相对于跳跃着地的偏心力量的描述(标准)将有助于临床医生和教练识别具有以下特征的球员:与年龄或发育阶段相当的不适当膝盖表现。



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