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Estimation of spatio-temporal parameters of gait from magneto-inertial measurement units: multicenter validation among Parkinson, mildly cognitively impaired and healthy older adults




The use of miniaturized magneto-inertial measurement units (MIMUs) allows for an objective evaluation of gait and a quantitative assessment of clinical outcomes. Spatial and temporal parameters are generally recognized as key metrics for characterizing gait. Although several methods for their estimate have been proposed, a thorough error analysis across different pathologies, multiple clinical centers and on large sample size is still missing. The aim of this study was to apply a previously presented method for the estimate of spatio-temporal parameters, named Trusted Events and Acceleration Direct and Reverse Integration along the direction of Progression (TEADRIP), on a large cohort (236 patients) including Parkinson, mildly cognitively impaired and healthy older adults collected in four clinical centers. Data were collected during straight-line gait, at normal and fast walking speed, by attaching two MIMUs just above the ankles. The parameters stride, step, stance and swing durations, as well as stride length and gait velocity, were estimated for each gait cycle. The TEADRIP performance was validated against data from an instrumented mat. Limits of agreements computed between the TEADRIP estimates and the reference values from the instrumented mat were ??27 to 27?ms for Stride Time, ??68 to 44?ms for Stance Time, ??31 to 31?ms for Step Time and ??67 to 52?mm for Stride Length. For each clinical center, the mean absolute errors averaged across subjects for the estimation of temporal parameters ranged between 1 and 4%, being on average less than 3% (
机译:微型磁惯性测量单元(MIMU)的使用可实现步态的客观评估和临床结果的定量评估。通常将空间和时间参数视为表征步态的关键指标。尽管已经提出了几种估计方法,但是仍然缺少针对不同病理,多个临床中心以及大样本量的全面误差分析。这项研究的目的是在包括帕金森病在内的大型队列(236名患者)中应用先前介绍的方法估算时空参数,即沿进展方向的可信事件和加速度正向和反向积分(TEADRIP)。在四个临床中心收集了轻度认知障碍和健康的老年人。通过在脚踝上方附加两个MIMU,以正常和快速的步行速度在直线步态中收集数据。估计每个步态周期的步幅,步幅,姿态和挥杆持续时间,以及步幅长度和步态速度。 TEADRIP的性能已根据来自仪表垫的数据进行了验证。 TEADRIP估算值与仪表板参考值之间计算出的一致性极限为:步幅时间为27到27微秒,站姿时间为68到44毫秒,步长为31到31毫秒。步长为67至52?mm。对于每个临床中心,受试者之间平均的平均绝对误差用于估计时间参数的范围为1-4%,平均小于3%(<?30?ms)。步长平均绝对误差平均为2%(≈?25?mm)。各个中心之间的错误比较未显示任何显着差异。仅在健康的老年人和帕金森氏受试者之间的步幅和步长持续时间以及步行速度之间的步幅长度上发现了显着的误差差异。 TEADRIP方法已在四个不同临床中心记录的大量健康和病理受试者上得到了有效验证。结果表明,时空参数估计误差与先前在单个中心的较小总体样本中发现的误差一致。健壮性和适用范围的结合表明,TEADRIP作为常规临床应用中步态时空参数估计的基于MIMU的合适方法。本论文被授予“ 2017年SIAMOC最佳方法论论文”。


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