首页> 外文期刊>Bothalia: African Biodiversity & Conservation >Automatic classification of the highveld grassland of Lichtenburg, south-western Transvaal*

Automatic classification of the highveld grassland of Lichtenburg, south-western Transvaal*




A qualitative, semi-detailed plant ecological study o f the area between 25° 54' and 26° 22' E and 26° 00' and 26° 20' S, situated around the town o f Lichtenburg in the south-western Transvaal, Sou.h Africa, is reported. Mean annual temperature o f the study area is 17 °C and annual rainfall is about 600 mm. A basic difference is recognised between the Bankenveld Land System and the CT Grassland Land System. The former is underlain by dolomite with lithosolic soils, Bankenveld vegetation and cattle ranching as the chief iar.d-use, whereas the latter is underlain by granite, Ventersdorp lavas, Dwyka tillite and surface limestone with Snorrocks, Mangano and Lichtenburg series soils, Cymbopogon-Themeda Veld vegetation and extensive cultivation of maize as the chief land-use. One hundred and ten 16 m2 quadrats were placed within each Land System by means of a stratified-random strategy. Of the 247 species encountered, nearly 100 occurred in less than six quadrats. Themeda triandra, Aristida congesta, Elionurus argenteus, Anthospermum rigidum and Justicia anagaloides were common throughout. Two association analyses were carried out and 15 final groups were interpreted out of a total of 21? groups.
机译:定性,半详细的植物生态学研究,位于苏(Sou)西南西南利希滕堡(Lichtenburg)周围,东经25°54'和26°22'E和26°00'和26°20'S之间。 h非洲,据报道。研究区的年平均气温为17°C,年降雨量约为600毫米。 Bankenveld土地系统和CT草原土地系统之间存在基本差异。前者以白云岩为基础,以石质土壤,Bankenveld植被和牛牧场为主要用途,而后者则以花岗岩,Ventersdorp熔岩,Dwyka褐铁矿和表层石灰岩为基础,Snorrocks,Mangano和Lichtenburg系列土壤为Cymbopogon -Themeda Veld植被和广泛种植的玉米为主要土地利用。通过分层随机策略,在每个土地系统中放置了110个16平方米的方形房。在遇到的247种物种中,近100种发生在不到6个quadrat中。整个主题中有特米达·特里安德拉(Tridandra),阿里斯蒂达·阿塞斯蒂达(Aristida congesta),阿根廷鸢尾(Elonurus argenteus),僵尸花(Anthospermum刚性)和贾斯提卡(Justicia anagaloides)。进行了两次关联分析,并从总共21个样本中解译了15个最后一组。组。



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