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The impact of sleep deprivation on hippocampal-mediated learning and memory in rats




BACKGROUND: To examine the impact of different types of sleep deprivation on hippocampal-mediated learning and memory in rats. METHODS: Forty-eight Sprague-Dawley male rats were randomly assigned to 1 of 4 equal-size groups: (1) 12 hours of sleep per day (control). (2) total sleep deprivation (TSD), (3) rapid eye movement (REM) deprivation (RD), and (4) sleep restricted to 4 hours per day (SR). All rats were subjected to swimming training in the Morris water maze (MWM). At the end of the experiments, the rats were decapitated, and hippocampus tissue was analyzed for several neurotransmitters and receptors. RESULTS: The time spent at the target quadrant increased from 20.2 to 30.0 seconds in the control group on the third day of the experiment, whereas corresponding values increased from 20.2 to 21.8 seconds in the TSD group, 22.1 to 25.4 seconds in the RD group, and 21.2 to 32.0 sec in the SR group (p = 0.026). On the seventh day of the experiment, the values decreased to 25.0 seconds in controls, 22.5 in the RD group, and 23.6 in the SR group (p = 0.045). The TSD group demonstrated significant decreases in glutamate and serotonin levels compared with the control group. There was a significant increase in 5-HT2a receptor expression in all intervention groups compared with the controls. CONCLUSIONS: Our results of glutamate levels and 5-HT2a receptor expression in the hippocampus seem to be primarily involved in sleep and memory regulation (Tab. 2, Fig. 4, Ref. 59). Keywords: sleep disorders, learning and memory, 5-HT2A, NMDA, α7, glutamate, serotonin, acetylcholine Published online: 24-Jul-2017 Year: 2017, Volume: 118, Issue: 7 Page From: 408, Page To: 416 doi:10.4149/BLL_2017_080 download file ? AEPress s.r.o Copyright notice: For any permission to reproduce, archive or otherwise use the documents in the ELiS, please contact AEP.
机译:背景:研究不同类型的睡眠剥夺对大鼠海马介导的学习和记忆的影响。方法:将48只Sprague-Dawley雄性大鼠随机分为4组相等大小的组中的1组:(1)每天睡眠12小时(对照组)。 (2)完全睡眠剥夺(TSD),(3)快速眼球运动(REM)剥夺(RD)和(4)每天限制为每天4个小时的睡眠(SR)。所有大鼠在莫里斯水迷宫(MWM)中进行游泳训练。实验结束时,将大鼠断头,并分析海马组织中的几种神经递质和受体。结果:实验第三天,对照组的目标象限时间从20.2秒增加到30.0秒,而TSD组的对应值从20.2秒增加到21.8秒,RD组从22.1秒增加到25.4秒, SR组为21.2至32.0秒(p = 0.026)。在实验的第七天,对照组的数值降至25.0秒,RD组的数值降至22.5秒,SR组的数值降至23.6秒(p = 0.045)。与对照组相比,TSD组的谷氨酸和5-羟色胺水平明显降低。与对照组相比,所有干预组的5-HT2a受体表达均显着增加。结论:我们在海马中谷氨酸水平和5-HT2a受体表达的结果似乎主要与睡眠和记忆调节有关(表2,图4,参考文献59)。关键字:睡眠障碍,学习和记忆,5-HT2A,NMDA,α7,谷氨酸,5-羟色胺,乙酰胆碱在线发布:2017年7月24日年份:2017,数量:118,版本:7页面来自:408,页面至:416 doi:10.4149 / BLL_2017_080下载文件? AEPress s.r.o版权声明:有关复制,存档或以其他方式使用ELiS中的文档的任何许可,请联系AEP。



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