首页> 外文期刊>Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research >Effects of terpineol on the compound action potential of the rat sciatic nerve

Effects of terpineol on the compound action potential of the rat sciatic nerve




Terpineol, a volatile terpenoid alcohol of low toxicity, is widely used in the perfumery industry. It is an important chemical constituent of the essential oil of many plants with widespread applications in folk medicine and in aromatherapy. The effects of terpineol on the compound action potential (CAP) of rat sciatic nerve were studied. Terpineol induced a dose-dependent blockade of the CAP. At 100 μM, terpineol had no demonstrable effect. At 300 μM terpineol, peak-to-peak amplitude and conduction velocity of CAP were significantly reduced at the end of 180-min exposure of the nerve to the drug, from 3.28 ± 0.22 mV and 33.5 ± 7.05 m/s, respectively, to 1.91 ± 0.51 mV and 26.2 ± 4.55 m/s. At 600 μM, terpineol significantly reduced peak-to-peak amplitude and conduction velocity from 2.97 ± 0.55 mV and 32.8 ± 3.91 m/s to 0.24 ± 0.23 mV and 2.72 ± 2.72 m/s, respectively (N = 5). All these effects developed slowly and were reversible upon 180-min washout.
机译:松油醇是一种低毒的挥发性萜类醇,已广泛用于香料行业。它是许多植物精油的重要化学成分,在民间医学和芳香疗法中得到广泛应用。研究了松油醇对大鼠坐骨神经复合动作电位(CAP)的影响。松油醇可引起剂量依赖性的CAP阻断。在100μM时,萜品醇没有明显的作用。在300μM的松油醇下,在神经接触药物180分钟时,CAP的峰峰幅度和传导速度显着降低,分别从3.28±0.22 mV和33.5±7.05 m / s降低至1.91±0.51 mV和26.2±4.55 m / s在600μM时,松油醇将峰峰幅度和传导速度分别从2.97±0.55 mV和32.8±3.91 m / s分别降低至0.24±0.23 mV和2.72±2.72 m / s(N = 5)。所有这些作用缓慢发展,并且在冲洗180分钟后可逆。



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