首页> 外文期刊>Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research >Administration of interferon- g to pregnant rats reverses the depressed adjuvant-induced arthritis of their chronically Trypanosoma cruzi-infected offspring

Administration of interferon- g to pregnant rats reverses the depressed adjuvant-induced arthritis of their chronically Trypanosoma cruzi-infected offspring




We demonstrated that administration of interferon gamma (IFN-g) to the inbred "l" strain of pregnant rats conferred partial resistance on their offspring to challenge with Trypanosoma cruzi. We now examine if this intervention also modifies the reportedly immunodepressed cellular responses which occur during chronic infection. Offspring were born to mothers undergoing one of the following procedures during gestation: subcutaneous injections of recombinant rat IFN-g, 50,000 IU/rat, five times/week for 3 weeks, which was started on the day of mating (IFN-Mo); infection with 106 trypomastigotes of T. cruzi at 7, 14, and 21 days after mating plus IFN-g treatment as given to the former group (TcIFN-Mo); the same protocol except that physiological saline was injected instead of IFN-g (Tc-Mo); injection of physiological saline only (control-Mo). All offspring groups (N = 8-10/group) were infected at weaning and were assessed 90 days later for their adjuvant-induced arthritic response or levels of major T cell subsets in spleen and lymph nodes. TcIFN-Mo and IFN-Mo offspring showed a reestablished arthritic response, which remained within the range seen in controls. Immunolabeling studies on parallel groups of 90-day-infected offspring showed that the inverse CD4/CD8 cell ratio that is usually seen in lymphoid organs from these chronically infected rats (median 0.61) appeared to have recovered in the TcIFN-Mo and IFN-Mo groups (median 1.66 and 1.78, respectively) and was not different from uninfected controls (1.96). These studies indicate that early stimulation with IFN-g is able to reverse the immunosuppressive state that is usually present during the chronic period of the experimental infection.
机译:我们证明了向怀孕大鼠的近交“ l”品系施用干扰素γ(IFN-g)赋予了它们后代对克鲁氏锥虫攻击的部分抵抗力。现在我们检查这种干预是否也改变了慢性感染期间发生的免疫抑制的细胞反应。母亲的后代是在妊娠期间接受以下程序之一的母亲出生的:重组大鼠IFN-g皮下注射50,000 IU /大鼠,每周5次,共3周,从交配日开始(IFN-Mo);交配后第7、14和21天感染了106种克氏锥虫的鞭毛鞭毛体,加上前一组给予的IFN-g治疗(TcIFN-Mo);除了注射生理盐水代替IFN-g(Tc-Mo)外,其他方案相同。仅注射生理盐水(对照莫)。所有后代组(N = 8-10 /组)在断奶时均被感染,并在90天后评估其佐剂诱导的关节炎反应或脾和淋巴结中主要T细胞亚群的水平。 TcIFN-Mo和IFN-Mo的后代表现出关节炎反应的重新建立,该反应仍在对照范围内。对90天感染后代平行组的免疫标记研究表明,在这些慢性感染大鼠的淋巴器官中通常见到的CD4 / CD8逆细胞比例(中位数为0.61)似乎已在TcIFN-Mo和IFN-Mo中恢复(分别为中位数1.66和1.78),与未感染对照组(1.96)并无差异。这些研究表明,早期用IFN-g刺激能够逆转通常在实验性感染的慢性期出现的免疫抑制状态。



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