首页> 外文期刊>Borsa Istanbul Review >Investment strategies with rebalancing: How could they serve Sukuk secondary market?

Investment strategies with rebalancing: How could they serve Sukuk secondary market?




Although the Sukuk market is rapidly growing, it still faces many challenges. The “Buy and hold” effect slows down this growth as it freezes the exchange of these assets in the secondary market. In this perspective, this paper introduces an approach aiming at improving Sukuk exchange by using the diversity of the investors' risk profiles. Through this study that applies several investment strategies based on rebalancing, we demonstrate that these strategies have the potential to boost the Sukuk market's growth. This is actually due to the fact that the investor can choose among these strategies according to his investment profile and his market anticipation. However, this approach's effectiveness is conditioned to the adherence of a large number of investors. In terms of contribution, this paper fills the gap in the literature by introducing a pragmatic approach to reduce the impact of the “Buy and Hold” effect on the Sukuk market.
机译:尽管回教债券市场迅速增长,但仍然面临许多挑战。 “买入并持有”效应减缓了这种增长,因为它冻结了二级市场中这些资产的交易。从这个角度出发,本文介绍了一种通过利用投资者风险状况的多样性来改善回教债券交易的方法。通过这项研究,该研究应用了几种基于再平衡的投资策略,我们证明了这些策略具有促进回教债券市场增长的潜力。实际上,这是由于投资者可以根据自己的投资概况和市场预期在这些策略中进行选择的事实。但是,这种方法的有效性取决于大量投资者的坚持。在贡献方面,本文通过引入务实的方法来减少“买入和持有”效应对回教债券市场的影响,填补了文献中的空白。



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