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miRMaid: a unified programming interface for microRNA data resources




Background MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are endogenous small RNAs that play a key role in post-transcriptional regulation of gene expression in animals and plants. The number of known miRNAs has increased rapidly over the years. The current release (version 14.0) of miRBase, the central online repository for miRNA annotation, comprises over 10.000 miRNA precursors from 115 different species. Furthermore, a large number of decentralized online resources are now available, each contributing with important miRNA annotation and information. Results We have developed a software framework, designated here as miRMaid, with the goal of integrating miRNA data resources in a uniform web service interface that can be accessed and queried by researchers and, most importantly, by computers. miRMaid is built around data from miRBase and is designed to follow the official miRBase data releases. It exposes miRBase data as inter-connected web services. Third-party miRNA data resources can be modularly integrated as miRMaid plugins or they can loosely couple with miRMaid as individual entities in the World Wide Web. miRMaid is available as a public web service but is also easily installed as a local application. The software framework is freely available under the LGPL open source license for academic and commercial use. Conclusion miRMaid is an intuitive and modular software platform designed to unify miRBase and independent miRNA data resources. It enables miRNA researchers to computationally address complex questions involving the multitude of miRNA data resources. Furthermore, miRMaid constitutes a basic framework for further programming in which microRNA-interested bioinformaticians can readily develop their own tools and data sources.
机译:背景技术MicroRNA(miRNA)是内源性小RNA,在动植物基因转录后调控中发挥关键作用。这些年来,已知的miRNA数量迅速增加。 miRBase的当前版本(版本14.0)是miRNA注释的中央在线存储库,包含来自115个不同物种的10.000多种miRNA前体。此外,现在可以使用大量的分散式在线资源,每个资源都具有重要的miRNA注释和信息。结果我们已经开发了一个软件框架,在这里称为miRMaid,其目标是将miRNA数据资源整合到一个统一的Web服务界面中,研究人员(最重要的是计算机)可以访问和查询这些资源。 miRMaid围绕miRBase的数据构建,旨在遵循正式的miRBase数据发布。它将miRBase数据公开为互连的Web服务。第三方miRNA数据资源可以模块化地集成为miRMaid插件,也可以与miRMaid松散耦合在一起,作为Internet中的单个实体。 miRMaid可作为公共Web服务使用,但也易于作为本地应用程序安装。根据LGPL开源许可,该软件框架可免费用于学术和商业用途。结论miRMaid是一个直观的模块化软件平台,旨在统一miRBase和独立的miRNA数据资源。它使miRNA研究人员能够以计算方式解决涉及众多miRNA数据资源的复杂问题。此外,miRMaid构成了进一步编程的基本框架,感兴趣的microRNA生物信息学家可以轻松开发自己的工具和数据源。



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