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Psychometric properties of a test in evidence based practice: the Spanish version of the Fresno test




Background Validated instruments are needed to evaluate the programmatic impact of Evidence Based Practice (EBP) training and to document the competence of individual trainees. This study aimed to translate the Fresno test into Spanish and subsequently validate it, in order to ensure the equivalence of the Spanish version against the original English version. Methods Before and after study performed between October 2007 and June 2008. Three groups of participants: (a) Mentors of family medicine residents (expert group) (n = 56); (b) Family medicine physicians (intermediate experience group) (n = 17); (c) Family medicine residents (novice group) (n = 202); Medical residents attended an EBP course, and two sets of the test were administered before and after the course. The Fresno test is a performance based measure for use in medical education that assesses EBP skills. The outcome measures were: inter-rater and intra-rater reliability, internal consistency, item analyses, construct validity, feasibility of administration, and responsiveness. Results Inter-rater correlations were 0.95 and 0.85 in the pre-test and the post-test respectively. The overall intra-rater reliability was 0.71 and 0.81 in the pre-test and post-test questionnaire, respectively. Cronbach's alpha was 0.88 and 0.77, respectively. 152 residents (75.2%) returned both sets of the questionnaire. The observed effect size for the residents was 1.77 (CI 95%: 1.57-1.95), the standardised response mean was 1.65 (CI 95%:1.47-1.82). Conclusions The Spanish version of the Fresno test is a useful tool in assessing the knowledge and skills of EBP in Spanish-speaking residents of Family Medicine.
机译:背景技术需要经过验证的工具来评估循证实践(EBP)培训对计划的影响,并记录单个受训者的能力。这项研究旨在将弗雷斯诺测验翻译成西班牙语,然后进行验证,以确保西班牙语版本与原始英语版本等效。方法2007年10月至2008年6月进行研究之前和之后。三组参与者:(a)家庭医学住院医师的指导(专家组)(n = 56); (b)家庭医学医师(中级经验组)(n = 17); (c)家庭药品居民(新兵组)(n = 202);医务人员参加了EBP课程,课程前后分别进行了两组测试。弗雷斯诺测试是一种基于绩效的测量,用于评估EBP技能的医学教育。结果指标为:评估者之间和评估者内部的信度,内部一致性,项目分析,结构效度,给药的可行性和响应性。结果评分者之间的相关性在测试前和测试后分别为0.95和0.85。在测试前和测试后的问卷中,整体评价者内部信度分别为0.71和0.81。克朗巴赫(Cronbach)的alpha分别为0.88和0.77。 152位居民(75.2%)退还了两组调查表。居民观察到的效应大小为1.77(CI 95%:1.57-1.95),标准化响应平均值为1.65(CI 95%:1.47-1.82)。结论西班牙语版本的弗雷斯诺测试是评估西班牙语家庭医学居民EBP知识和技能的有用工具。



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