首页> 外文期刊>BMC Infectious Diseases >Prevalence of hepatitis B virus, hepatitis C virus, human immunodeficiency virus and Treponema pallidum infections in hospitalized patients before transfusion in Xiangya hospital Central South University, China from 2011 to 2016

Prevalence of hepatitis B virus, hepatitis C virus, human immunodeficiency virus and Treponema pallidum infections in hospitalized patients before transfusion in Xiangya hospital Central South University, China from 2011 to 2016




Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV) and Treponema pallidum (TP) infections are considered classic transfusion-transmissible infections (TTIs). Few data are available about the prevalence of TTIs in patients before blood transfusion in China. This study aimed to investigate the seroprevalence of four TTIs among patients before blood transfusion in Xiangya Hospital Central South University, China. From 2011 to 2016, 442,121 hospitalized patients before possible blood transfusion were tested for hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg), anti-HCV, syphilis antibody (anti-TP) and anti-HIV. Of the 442,121 patients, the overall positivity of the four TTI serum markers was 15.35%. The positive rates of HBsAg, anti-HCV, anti-HIV and anti-TP were 10.98, 1.43, 0.16 and 2.78%, respectively. TTI serum markers showed a significant difference by gender, with positive rates of 17.98% for males and 12.79% for females. The prevalence of TTI serum markers varied significantly by age. The overall co-infection rate was 0.63%, and the top three multiple infections were HBV-TP, HBV-HCV, and HCV-TP. The co-infection rates of HBV-TP and HBV-HCV showed a significant decrease from 2011 to 2016, while the rates of other co-infections remained stable. The prevalence of TTIs in patients before blood transfusion is much higher compared to that in blood donors in the region. The infection rates of HIV and TP increased, and the infection rate of HBsAg decreased in recent years.
机译:人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV),乙型肝炎病毒(HBV),丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)和苍白密螺旋体(TP)感染被认为是经典的输血传播性感染(TTI)。在中国,关于输血前患者中TTI患病率的数据很少。这项研究旨在调查中南大学湘雅医院输血前患者中四种TTI的血清阳性率。从2011年到2016年,对442121例可能输血之前住院的患者进行了乙肝表面抗原(HBsAg),抗HCV,梅毒抗体(anti-TP)和抗HIV的检测。在442,121例患者中,四种TTI血清标志物的总阳性率为15.35%。 HBsAg,抗HCV,抗HIV和抗TP的阳性率分别为10.98、1.43、0.16和2.78%。 TTI血清标志物在性别上显示出显着差异,男性阳性率为17.98%,女性为12.79%。 TTI血清标志物的患病率随年龄变化显着。总体合并感染率为0.63%,排名前三位的多重感染为HBV-TP,HBV-HCV和HCV-TP。从2011年到2016年,HBV-TP和HBV-HCV的合并感染率显着下降,而其他合并感染率保持稳定。与该地区的献血者相比,输血前患者的TTI患病率要高得多。近年来,HIV和TP的感染率上升,HBsAg的感染率下降。



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