首页> 外文期刊>BMC Health Services Research >The impact of a pharmacist-managed dosage form conversion service on ciprofloxacin usage at a major Canadian teaching hospital: a pre- and post-intervention study

The impact of a pharmacist-managed dosage form conversion service on ciprofloxacin usage at a major Canadian teaching hospital: a pre- and post-intervention study




Background Despite cost containment efforts, parenteral (IV) ciprofloxacin appears to be overutilized at Vancouver General Hospital. In November 2003, the Pharmacist-managed intravenous to oral (IV-PO) Dosage Form Conversion Service was implemented, enabling autonomous pharmacist-initiated dosage form conversion for ciprofloxacin. This study evaluates characteristics of ciprofloxacin use prior to and following implementation of this conversion service. Methods This was a single-centre, two-phase (pre/post), unblinded study. Phase I occurred between November 12, 2002 and November 11, 2003 (365 days), and Phase II between November 12, 2003 and March 11, 2004 (120 days). All patients receiving ciprofloxacin IV during these periods were reviewed. The primary endpoint was IV:PO ciprofloxacin use ratio. Secondary endpoints were total number of ciprofloxacin doses, proportion of inappropriate IV ciprofloxacin doses, cost of therapy between phases, and estimated cost avoidance with the intervention. Results Two hundred ciprofloxacin IV treatment courses were evaluated (100 per phase). The IV:PO ciprofloxacin use ratio was 3.03 (Phase I) vs. 3.48 (Phase II). Total number of doses and ratio of IV to total doses across phases were similar (p = 0.2830). IV-PO ciprofloxacin conversion occurred in 27/100 (27%) of IV courses in Phase I and 23/100 (23%) in Phase II. Proportion of inappropriate ciprofloxacin IV doses decreased between Phases I and II (244/521 (47%) vs. 201/554 (36%) (p = 0.0005), respectively). Furthermore, the proportion of pharmacist-preventable inappropriate ciprofloxacin IV doses was reduced between Phases I and II (114/244 (47%) vs. 65/201 (32%) (p = 0.0026). Proportional cost avoidance associated with total inappropriate IV use was $7,172/$16,517 (43%) (in Canadian dollars) in Phase I vs. $6,012/$17,919 (34%) in Phase II (p = 0.001). Similarly, proportional cost avoidance associated with pharmacist-preventable inappropriate IV doses was reduced from $3,367/$16,517 (20%) in Phase I to $1,975/$17,919 (11%) in Phase II (p = 0.001). Conclusion While overall utilization of ciprofloxacin remained unchanged and the proportion of IV to total doses was stable during the study period, the proportion of inappropriate IV doses and its associated costs appear to have declined subsequent to implementation of a Pharmacist-managed IV-PO Dosage Form Conversion Service. Such a program may be a beneficial adjunct in facilitating appropriate and cost-effective usage of ciprofloxacin.
机译:背景技术尽管进行了成本控制,但温哥华总医院的肠胃外(IV)环丙沙星使用率似乎仍然很高。 2003年11月,实施了由药剂师管理的静脉到口服(IV-PO)剂型转换服务,从而实现了由药剂师自主启动的环丙沙星剂型转换。这项研究评估了该转化服务实施前后的环丙沙星使用特征。方法这是一项单中心,两阶段(前后)无盲研究。第一阶段发生在2002年11月12日至2003年11月11日之间(365天),第二阶段发生在2003年11月12日至2004年3月11日之间(120天)。回顾了在此期间接受环丙沙星静脉注射的所有患者。主要终点为IV:PO环丙沙星使用比例。次要终点是环丙沙星剂量的总数,不适当的静脉内环丙沙星剂量的比例,各阶段之间的治疗费用以及通过干预措施避免的估计费用。结果评估了200个环丙沙星IV治疗疗程(每个阶段100个)。 IV:PO环丙沙星的使用比例为3.03(第一阶段)对3.48(第二阶段)。跨阶段的总剂量数和IV与总剂量之比相似(p = 0.2830)。在第一阶段的IV疗程中有27/100(27%)发生了IV-PO环丙沙星转化,在第二阶段的IV / 100P环丙沙星发生了23/100(23%)。在第一阶段和第二阶段之间,不适当的环丙沙星静脉注射剂量的比例有所降低(分别为244/521(47%)和201/554(36%)(p = 0.0005))。此外,在第一阶段和第二阶段之间,可以由药剂师预防的不合适的环丙沙星静脉注射剂量的比例降低了(114/244(47%)与65/201(32%)(p = 0.0026)。第一阶段的使用费用为$ 7,172 / $ 16,517(43%)(加元),第二阶段的使用费用为$ 6,012 / $ 17,919(34%)(p = 0.001)同样,减少了与药剂师可预防的不适当IV剂量相关的按比例避免费用从第一阶段的$ 3,367 / $ 16,517(20%)到第二阶段的$ 1,975 / $ 17,919(11%)(p = 0.001)结论虽然在研究期间环丙沙星的总体利用率保持不变,并且IV占总剂量的比例稳定,在实施由药剂师管理的IV-PO剂型转换服务后,不适当的IV剂量比例及其相关成本似乎有所下降,这种计划可能是有利于辅助环丙沙星使用的有效方法。



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