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Simultaneous primary invasive cutaneous aspergillosis in two preterm twins: case report and review of the literature




Background Primary invasive cutaneous aspergillosis is a rare fungal infection that occurs mostly in immunocompromised patients. Newborns of very low birth weight present a high risk for this type of infection due to an immaturity of the cutaneous barrier and of the immune system. Case presentation We describe here a case of simultaneous invasive cutaneous aspergillosis in two preterm twins.?Two male preterm bichorionic biamniotic twins (A & B) were born at a general hospital by spontaneous normal delivery at 24?weeks and 6?days of gestation. They were transferred to our hospital where they receive surfactant, antibiotics and hydrocortisone. Six days later, twin A showed greenish lesions in the umbilical region. The spectrum of antibiotic therapy was broadened and fluconazole was added. The umbilical catheters of the two twins were removed and replaced by epicutaneo-cava venous catheters and the cultures were positive for Aspergillus fumigatus . Fluconazole was replaced in both twins by liposomal amphotericin B and the incubators were changed. The serum galactomannan was also positive for both twins. At day 10, yellowish lesions appeared in the abdominal region in twin B. He died on day 18 following complications related to his prematurity. Concerning the twin A, serum galactomannan was negative on day 30; liposomal amphotericin B was stopped 1 week later, with a relay by econazole (cream). His condition improved and on day 66 he was transferred for follow-up at the general hospital where he was born. Conclusion The source of contamination by A. fumigatus was not identified, but other similar cases from the literature include construction work at or near the hospital, oximeter sensors, latex finger stalls, non-sterile gloves, humidifying chambers of incubators, bedding and adhesive tapes. The skin fragility of preterm newborns is an excellent potential entry point for environmental fungal infections. These cases highlight the importance of suspecting primary cutaneous aspergillosis in extremely low birth weight neonates with rapidly progressive necrotic lesions.
机译:背景技术原发性侵袭性皮肤曲霉病是一种罕见的真菌感染,主要发生在免疫功能低下的患者中。出生体重非常低的新生儿由于皮肤屏障和免疫系统的不成熟而存在这种感染的高风险。病例介绍我们在这里描述了两例早产双胞胎同时浸润性皮肤曲霉病的病例。两例男性早产双角膜双羊膜炎双胞胎(A&B)在妊娠的第24周和第6天以自然自然分娩的方式在综合医院出生。他们被转移到我们医院接受表面活性剂,抗生素和氢化可的松。 6天后,双胞胎A在脐带区域显示出绿色的病变。扩大了抗生素治疗的范围,并添加了氟康唑。除去两个双胞胎的脐带导管,并用表皮-腔静脉导管代替,培养的烟曲霉菌呈阳性。氟康唑在两个双胞胎中均被脂质体两性霉素B取代,并改变了培养箱。血清半乳甘露聚糖对于两个双胞胎也都是阳性的。在第10天,双胞胎B的腹部出现淡黄色病变。在与早产有关的并发症下,他于第18天死亡。关于双胞胎A,在第30天血清半乳甘露聚糖阴性。 1周后停止使用脂质体两性霉素B,并通过益康唑(乳膏)中转。他的病情好转,在第66天,他被转移到他出生的综合医院进行随访。结论尚未发现烟曲霉的污染源,但文献中的其他类似案例包括医院或医院附近的建筑工程,血氧仪传感器,乳胶手指档,非无菌手套,恒温箱的加湿室,被褥和胶带。早产儿的皮肤脆弱性是环境真菌感染的极佳潜在切入点。这些病例突显了在出生体重极低,进展迅速的坏死病灶中怀疑原发性皮肤曲霉病的重要性。



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