首页> 外文期刊>BMC Infectious Diseases >Trends in genital warts by socioeconomic status after the introduction of the national HPV vaccination program in Australia: analysis of national hospital data

Trends in genital warts by socioeconomic status after the introduction of the national HPV vaccination program in Australia: analysis of national hospital data




Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination targeting females 12–13 years commenced in Australia in 2007, with catch-up of females 13–26 years until the end of 2009. No analyses of HPV vaccination program impact by either socioeconomic or geographic factors have been reported for Australia. Hospital admissions between July 2004-June 2011 involving a diagnosis of genital warts were obtained from a comprehensive national database. We compared sex- and age-specific admission rates in July 2006–June 2007 (pre-vaccination period) and July 2010–June 2011 (post-vaccination period) according to Index of Relative Socio-economic Disadvantage, nationally and stratified by remoteness area relating to the individual’s area of residence, using Poisson/ negative binomial models. Admission rates per 100,000 population in females aged 10–19 years (predominantly vaccinated at school), reduced from 42.2 to 6.0 (rate reduction 86.7?%; 95 % CI:82.2–90.0?%) in more disadvantaged areas and from 26.8 to 4.0 (85.0?%; 95 % CI:79.7–88.9?%) in less disadvantaged areas. In females aged 20–29 years (predominantly vaccinated in the community), the decreases were from 73.9 to 26.4 (66.0?%; 95 % CI:57.7–72.6?%) and from 61.9 to 23.8 (61.6?%; 95 % CI:52.9–68.7?%) in more and less disadvantaged areas, respectively. The reductions were similar in more vs less disadvantaged areas both inside major cities (88.6?%; 95 % CI: 82.2–92.7?% vs 87.9?%; 95 % CI:82.6–91.6?% in females aged 10–19 years; 64.0?%; 95 % CI:57.0–69.9?% vs 63.8?%; 95 % CI:52.9–72.1?% for females aged 20–29 years) and outside major cities (88.8?%; 95 % CI: 83.7–92.3?% vs 85.8?%; 95 % CI:73.5–92.4?% in females aged 10–19 years; 71.1?%; 95 % CI:58.8–79.7?% vs 67.6?%; 95 % CI:48.2–79.8?% for females aged 20–29 years). Admission rates in males aged 20–29 years also reduced, by 23.0?% (95 % CI:4.8–37.8?%) and 39.4?% (95 % CI:28.9–48.3?%) in more versus less disadvantaged areas respectively. The relative reduction in genital warts appears similar in young females across different levels of disadvantage, including within and outside major cities, both for females predominantly vaccinated at school and in the community.
机译:2007年在澳大利亚开始了针对12至13岁女性的人乳头瘤病毒(HPV)疫苗接种,直至2009年底追赶了13至26岁女性。尚未有社会经济或地理因素对HPV疫苗接种计划影响的分析报告对于澳大利亚。在2004年7月至2011年6月之间从综合性国家数据库中获得了诊断为尖锐湿疣的医院入院信息。我们根据全国和偏远地区按相对社会经济劣势指数比较了2006年7月至2007年6月(疫苗接种前的时期)和2010年7月至2011年6月(疫苗接种后的时期)按性别和年龄划分的入学率使用泊松/负二项式模型,与个人居住地区有关。在较弱势地区,年龄在10-19岁之间(主要在学校接种疫苗)的女性每100,000人口的入学率从42.2降低到6.0(比率降低86.7%; 95%CI:82.2-90.0%)从26.8降低到4.0 (85.0%; 95%CI:79.7-88.9%)在弱势地区。在20-29岁的女性中(主要是在社区中接种疫苗),该比例从73.9降至26.4(66.0%; 95%CI:57.7–72.6%),从61.9降至23.8(61.6 %%; 95%CI) :52.9–68.7?%)分别处于弱势地区。在主要城市内,处境相对较弱的地区的下降幅度相似(分别为88.6%; 95%CI:82.2–92.7%vs 87.9%; 95%CI:82.6–91.6%)在10-19岁的女性中; 64.0%; 95%CI:57.0–69.9%,而63.8%; 95%CI:52.9–72.1%(20-29岁女性)和主要城市以外地区(88.8%; 95%CI:83.7–5%) 92.3%vs 85.8%; 10-19岁女性中95%CI:73.5-92.4%; 71.1%; 95%CI:58.8-79.7%vs 67.6%; 95%CI:48.2-79.8 20%至29岁女性的?%)。在处境不利的地区,男性的入场率也分别下降了23.0%(95%CI:4.8-37.8%)和39.4%(95%CI:28.9-48.3%)。在主要处于学校和社区接种疫苗的女性中,包括处于主要城市内外的处于不同不利地位的年轻女性,生殖器疣的相对减少似乎相似。



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