首页> 外文期刊>BMC Health Services Research >Impact of policies regulating foreign physician migration to Switzerland: a modelling case study in anaesthesia

Impact of policies regulating foreign physician migration to Switzerland: a modelling case study in anaesthesia




Background Several countries have developed policies that restrict or limit duration of stay, clinical privileges or the number of residency permits allocated to migrating physicians. Switzerland is currently preparing a new law limiting overall foreign immigration. The impact of such restrictive policies is currently unknown. In a case study of anaesthesia care in Switzerland we modelled, trends in the size of physicians’ workforce until 2024, following the implementation of a strict quota policy for foreign medical trainees. Methods We developed a computer-based Markov model with Monte-Carlo simulations to project, in the context of a strict quota policy for foreign trainees, supply and demand for anaesthesia positions until 2024. We used data from a cross-sectional study performed in the French- and Italian-speaking cantons of Switzerland and the Health dataset from the OECD. Results With 8 to 12 (95?% CI 4–20) anaesthetists retiring per year, the implementation of strict quotas of foreign graduates would result in a 38?% decrease in the number of anaesthetists in intermediary (senior registrars) positions by 2024. This decrease would be particularly important in district hospitals where nearly half (49?%) of the non-Swiss anaesthetists are practising. Swiss graduates are unlikely to balance the shortage. Despite efforts by Swiss universities to increase the number of medical graduates, their number has dropped from 10.5 to 9.7/100 000 inhabitants between 2000 and 2012, due to the growth of the population. Conclusions This case study in Latin Switzerland shows that a restrictive policy limiting foreign immigration of trainees would result in a major deficit in the number of anaesthetists available to meet population needs. These aspects should be carefully considered when countries develop restrictions and limitations of foreign immigration.
机译:背景技术一些国家已经制定了政策,以限制或限制分配给移民医生的住院时间,临床特权或居留许可的数量。瑞士目前正在制定一项限制整体外国移民的新法律。此类限制性政策的影响目前未知。在瑞士的麻醉护理案例研究中,我们模拟了严格的外国医务人员配额政策实施后,到2024年医生人数的趋势。方法我们在蒙特卡洛模拟的基础上,开发了基于计算机的马尔可夫模型,以在严格的外国学员配额政策,麻醉职位供求需求的背景下进行预测,直到2024年。瑞士的法语和意大利语国家,以及经合组织的卫生数据集。结果每年有8至12名(95%CI 4-20)CI麻醉师退休,严格执行外国毕业生配额将使到2024年担任中级(高级注册服务商)职位的麻醉师人数减少38%。在地区医院中,将近一半(49%)的非瑞士麻醉医生正在开展这项工作,这一点尤为重要。瑞士毕业生不太可能在短缺方面取得平衡。尽管瑞士大学为增加医学毕业生的人数做出了努力,但由于人口的增长,他们的人数从2000年的10.5下降到了2000年的/ 100万,到2012年的100,000。结论该在拉丁美洲瑞士的案例研究表明,限制受训人员外国移民的限制性政策将导致可用于满足人口需求的麻醉师人数大幅减少。当各国制定限制和限制外国移民时,应仔细考虑这些方面。



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