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Clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of pegvisomant for the treatment of acromegaly: a systematic review and economic evaluation




Background Acromegaly, an orphan disease usually caused by a benign pituitary tumour, is characterised by hyper-secretion of growth hormone (GH) and insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-1). It is associated with reduced life expectancy, cardiovascular problems, a variety of insidiously progressing detrimental symptoms and metabolic malfunction. Treatments include surgery, radiotherapy and pharmacotherapy. Pegvisomant (PEG) is a genetically engineered GH analogue licensed as a third or fourth line option when other treatments have failed to normalise IGF-1 levels. Methods Evidence about effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of PEG was systematically reviewed. Data were extracted from published studies and used for a narrative synthesis of evidence. A decision analytical economic model was identified and modified to assess the cost-effectiveness of PEG. Results One RCT and 17 non-randomised studies were reviewed for effectiveness. PEG substantially reduced and rapidly normalised IGF-1 levels in the majority of patients, approximately doubled GH levels, and improved some of the signs and symptoms of the disease. Tumour size was unaffected at least in the short term. PEG had a generally safe adverse event profile but a few patients were withdrawn from treatment because of raised liver enzymes. An economic model was identified and adapted to estimate the lower limit for the cost-effectiveness of PEG treatment versus standard care. Over a 20 year time horizon the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio was £81,000/QALY and £212,000/LYG. To reduce this to £30K/QALY would require a reduction in drug cost by about one third. Conclusion PEG is highly effective for improving patients' IGF-1 level. Signs and symptoms of disease improve but evidence is lacking about long term effects on improved signs and symptoms of disease, quality of life, patient compliance and safety. Economic evaluation indicated that if current standards (UK) for determining cost-effectiveness of therapies were to be applied to PEG it would be considered not to represent good value for money.
机译:背景肢端肥大症是一种通常由良性垂体瘤引起的孤儿疾病,其特征在于生长激素(GH)和胰岛素样生长因子I(IGF-1)的过度分泌。它与预期寿命缩短,心血管问题,各种隐患进行性有害症状和代谢功能异常有关。治疗包括外科手术,放射疗法和药物疗法。当其他治疗未能使IGF-1水平正常化时,培维索孟(PEG)是一种经基因工程改造的GH类似物,被许可作为三线或四线选择。方法系统评价PEG的有效性和成本效益的证据。数据是从已发表的研究中提取的,用于证据的叙述性综合。确定并修改了决策分析经济模型,以评估PEG的成本效益。结果回顾了一项RCT和17项非随机研究的有效性。 PEG大大降低了大多数患者的IGF-1水平并使其迅速标准化,GH水平大约翻了一番,并改善了该病的某些体征和症状。肿瘤大小至少在短期内不受影响。 PEG具有一般安全的不良事件特征,但由于肝酶升高,一些患者退出了治疗。确定了经济模型并对其进行了估算,以估算PEG治疗与标准治疗相比的成本效益下限。在20年的时间范围内,增量成本效益比为£ 81,000 / QALY和£ 212,000 / LYG。要将其降低到30K / QALY,则需要将药物成本降低约三分之一。结论PEG对改善患者的IGF-1水平非常有效。疾病的体征和症状有所改善,但缺乏改善疾病的体征和症状,生活质量,患者依从性和安全性的长期影响的证据。经济评估表明,如果将用于确定疗法成本效益的现行标准(英国)应用于PEG,则将被认为并不代表物有所值。



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