首页> 外文期刊>Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment >Analysis of the Organic Production in Tobacco Raw Material (Nicotiana Tabacum L.) After Tretman with Heavy Metals and Fungicide Ridomil Gold

Analysis of the Organic Production in Tobacco Raw Material (Nicotiana Tabacum L.) After Tretman with Heavy Metals and Fungicide Ridomil Gold

机译:Tretman与重金属和杀菌剂Ridomil金作用后烟草原料(Nicotiana Tabacum L.)中有机物的生产分析



The issue of this study refers to the organic production (concentration of carbohydrates, antocyanins and organic acids) in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) from the crop 2008 of two oriental types: PRILEP (P-156) and JAKA (Jv-125/3). The plants were cultivated in controlled experimental conditions in the Botanic garden of Department of Botany, Institute of Biology, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics-Skopje. Material is treated with heavy metals, applicated in four different concentrations: copper, cadmium, lead and fungicide Ridomil gold. Analyses were made on the first insertion, also named as a phase of lower leaves. Protective antioxidative answer was examined (content of antocyanins). The results show the organic production in tobacco culture (content of carbohydrates and organic acids), which directly reflects the quality characteristics of fermented tobacco and changes physical as well as tasteable performances of tobacco raw material. Conclusions affirmed that noticeable dysfunctions in secondary metabolism were caused, as a result of toxicological effect of heavy metals.
机译:这项研究的问题涉及两种东方类型的作物2008年的烟草(Nicotiana tabacum L.)中的有机生产(碳水化合物,花青素和有机酸的浓度):PRILEP(P-156)和JAKA(Jv-125 / 3)。在受控的实验条件下,将这些植物种植在植物学系,自然科学学院生物系和数学斯科普里的植物园中。材料经过重金属处理,以四种不同的浓度使用:铜,镉,铅和杀菌剂Ridomil金。在第一次插入时进行了分析,也称为下叶阶段。检查了保护性抗氧化答案(花青素的含量)。结果表明,烟草文化中的有机生产(碳水化合物和有机酸的含量)直接反映了发酵烟草的质量特征,改变了烟草原料的物理性能和可口性。结论证实,重金属的毒理学作用导致了继发代谢中明显的功能障碍。



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