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SSF of steam-pretreated wheat straw with the addition of saccharified or fermented wheat meal in integrated bioethanol production




Background Integration of second-generation (2G) bioethanol production with existing first-generation (1G) production may facilitate commercial production of ethanol from cellulosic material. Since 2G hydrolysates have a low sugar concentration and 1G streams often have to be diluted prior to fermentation, mixing of streams is beneficial. Improved ethanol concentrations in the 2G production process lowers energy demand in distillation, improves overall energy efficiency and thus lower production cost. There is also a potential to reach higher ethanol yields, which is required in economically feasible ethanol production. Integrated process scenarios with addition of saccharified wheat meal (SWM) or fermented wheat meal (FWM) were investigated in simultaneous saccharification and (co-)fermentation (SSF or SSCF) of steam-pretreated wheat straw, while the possibility of recovering the valuable protein-rich fibre residue from the wheat was also studied. Results The addition of SWM to SSF of steam-pretreated wheat straw, using commercially used dried baker’s yeast, S. cerevisiae, resulted in ethanol concentrations of about 60 g/L, equivalent to ethanol yields of about 90% of the theoretical. The addition of FWM in batch mode SSF was toxic to baker’s yeast, due to the ethanol content of FWM, resulting in a very low yield and high accumulation of glucose. The addition of FWM in fed-batch mode still caused a slight accumulation of glucose, but the ethanol concentration was fairly high, 51.2 g/L, corresponding to an ethanol yield of 90%, based on the amount of glucose added. In batch mode of SSCF using the xylose-fermenting, genetically modified S. cerevisiae strain KE6-12, no improvement was observed in ethanol yield or concentration, compared with baker’s yeast, despite the increased xylose utilization, probably due to the considerable increase in glycerol production. A slight increase in xylose consumption was seen when glucose from SWM was fed at a low feed rate, after 48 hours, compared with batch SSCF. However, the ethanol yield and concentration remained in the same range as in batch mode. Conclusion Ethanol concentrations of about 6% (w/v) were obtained, which will result in a significant reduction in the cost of downstream processing, compared with SSF of the lignocellulosic substrate alone. As an additional benefit, it is also possible to recover the protein-rich residue from the SWM in the process configurations presented, providing a valuable co-product.
机译:背景技术将第二代(2G)生物乙醇生产与现有的第一代(1G)生产整合在一起可以促进纤维素材料对乙醇的商业生产。由于2G水解产物的糖浓度低,并且在发酵之前通常必须稀释1G物流,因此物流的混合是有益的。 2G生产过程中提高的乙醇浓度降低了蒸馏中的能源需求,提高了整体能源效率,从而降低了生产成本。在经济上可行的乙醇生产中也需要达到更高的乙醇收率。在蒸汽预处理的小麦秸秆同时糖化和(共)发酵(SSF或SSCF)的同时,研究了添加糖化小麦粉(SWM)或发酵小麦粉(FWM)的综合过程方案,同时回收了有价值的蛋白质还研究了小麦中富含纤维素的残留物。结果使用商购的干面包酵母,酿酒酵母,在蒸汽预处理过的麦草的SSF中添加SWM可以产生约60 g / L的乙醇浓度,相当于理论产量的90%左右。由于FWM的乙醇含量高,因此以分批模式SSF添加FWM对面包酵母是有毒的,从而导致收率极低且葡萄糖积累很高。以分批补料模式添加FWM仍会引起葡萄糖的少量积累,但是乙醇浓度相当高,为51.2 g / L,基于添加的葡萄糖量,相当于90%的乙醇产率。在使用木糖发酵的转基因酿酒酵母菌株KE6-12的SSCF分批模式中,尽管木糖利用率增加,但与面包酵母相比,乙醇的收率或浓度均未见改善,这可能是由于甘油的大量增加生产。与批次SSCF相比,在48小时后以低进料速度进料SWM的葡萄糖时,木糖消耗量略有增加。但是,乙醇的收率和浓度保持在与分批模式相同的范围内。结论与仅木质纤维素底物的SSF相比,获得了约6%(w / v)的乙醇浓度,这将大大降低下游加工成本。作为额外的好处,还可以按照所示的工艺配置从SWM中回收富含蛋白质的残留物,从而提供有价值的副产物。



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