首页> 外文期刊>Bioscience Reports >Functional Domains within Fusion Proteins: Prospectives for Development of Peptide Inhibitors of Viral Cell Fusion

Functional Domains within Fusion Proteins: Prospectives for Development of Peptide Inhibitors of Viral Cell Fusion




The entry of enveloped viruses into host cells is accomplished by fusion ofthe viral envelope and target plasma membrane and is mediated by fusionproteins. Recently, several functional domains within fusion proteins fromdifferent viral families were identified. Some are directly involved inconformational changes after receptor binding, as suggested by the recentrelease of crystallographically determined structures of a highly stablecore structure of the fusion proteins in the absence of membranes. However, in the presence of membranes, this core binds strongly to the membrane's surface and dissociates therein. Other regions, besides the N-terminal fusionpeptide, which include the core region and an internal fusion peptide inparamyxoviruses, are directly involved in the actual membrane fusion event, suggesting an “umbrella” like model for the membrane inducedconformational change of fusion proteins. Peptides resembling these regionshave been shown to have specific antiviral activity, presumably because theyinterfere with the corresponding domains within the viruses. Overall, thesestudies shed light into the molecular mechanism of membrane fusion induced byenvelope glycoproteins and suggest that fusion proteins from different viralfamilies share common structural and functional motifs.



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