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What Doesn't Kill a Blender, Makes It Stronger


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If you're a blender, you'd never want to see the inside of the testing lab in Blendtec's headquarters in Orem, UT. This small room is the equivalent of the Tower of London for blenders - the products that go in don't usually come out in one piece. "We call [the test facility] 'the Torture Chamber' because we line up all of our blenders and brutally test them until they die," admits Reid Stout, a research and development engineer with Blendtec. If you're an automaker, conducting a destructive test on your product means crashing a fully built car rigged with dummies into a wall - a costly experiment you can't undertake willy-nilly. If you're an aerospace manufacturer, crash-testing a plane for every new model is certainly out of the question. To bypass these costly tests involving massive products (not to mention the cleanup required afterward), manufacturers now rely mostly on digital simulation and software-driven analysis to perform tests. But if you make blenders like Blendtec does, you can afford to sacrifice a few blenders every month for the good of your customers.
机译:如果您是搅拌机,则永远不会想看到位于犹他州奥勒姆的Blendtec总部的测试实验室内部。这个小房间相当于搅拌机的伦敦塔-输入的产品通常不会一件一件地出现。 Blendtec的研发工程师里德·斯托特(Reid Stout)承认:“我们称[测试设施]为“酷刑室”,因为我们将所有搅拌机排成一行并对其进行残酷的测试,直到它们死亡。如果您是汽车制造商,那么对产品进行破坏性测试就意味着将装有假人的完整制造的汽车撞到墙上–这是一项代价高昂的实验,您不会轻易进行。如果您是航空航天制造商,那么对每种新型号的飞机进行碰撞测试无疑是不可能的。为了绕开涉及大量产品的昂贵测试(更不用说随后需要进行清理),制造商现在主要依靠数字仿真和软件驱动的分析来执行测试。但是,如果您像Blendtec一样制造搅拌机,则可以为客户的利益每月牺牲一些搅拌机。



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