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Energy dependent polymerization of resin-based composite


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Objective: This study explores the relationship between the extent of polymerization and the radiant energy (dose) applied during the photopolymerization of resin-based composites. Method: FTIR was used to measure the 5-min and 24-h conversion of four resin-based composites prepared in a thin film and polymerized under conditions of decreasing intensity and a constant exposure time (30 s) using a tungsten halogen curing light. The measured conversion was obtained over a wide range of applied radiant energy. Additionally, samples for two of the materials were polymerized at various intensities and exposure times such that the dose remained constant. This process was performed at four dose levels representing approximately 75% of the conversion range. Results: The curing profiles (percent conversion versus applied radiant energy) depict a gradual decrease in conversion with decreasing energy followed by a rapid descent. Though there are differences in the maximum conversion attained between the materials, when conversion is represented as a fractional conversion relative to the maximum 24-h value, their 5-min and 24-h curing profiles appear quite similar. Additionally, very similar conversion was measured when the films were exposed using equivalent doses providing evidence for a reciprocal relationship between irradiance (power density) and exposure time. For the 24-h measurements, statistical equivalence (Fishers protected LSD at the 0.05 level) was noted for most of the combinations of exposure time and power density within a given dose. Generally, the exceptions occurred with the shortest exposure times. Significance: A reciprocal relationship between exposure time and power density adds significance to the study of conversion as a function of the total applied dose. This relationship establishes the curing profile as a universal correlation between exposure time and power density.
机译:目的:本研究探讨了树脂基复合材料光聚合过程中聚合程度与施加的辐射能(剂量)之间的关系。方法:FTIR用于测量在薄膜中制备的四种树脂基复合材料的5分钟和24小时转化率,这些材料在强度降低和恒定曝光时间(30 s)下使用卤素钨固化光聚合。在广泛的辐射能量范围内获得了测量的转化率。另外,将两种材料的样品以不同的强度和暴露时间进行聚合,以使剂量保持恒定。该过程以代表转化率范围约75%的四个剂量水平进行。结果:固化曲线(转化率与施加的辐射能的百分比)表明转化率随着能量的减少而逐渐降低,然后迅速下降。尽管材料之间的最大转化率存在差异,但当转化率表示为相对于最大24小时值的分数转化时,它们的5分钟和24小时固化曲线看起来非常相似。另外,当使用等效剂量对胶片进行曝光时,测得的转化率非常相似,从而为辐照度(功率密度)与曝光时间之间的相互关系提供了证据。对于24小时测量,在给定剂量下,大多数暴露时间和功率密度组合的统计等效性(Fishers保护LSD为0.05)。通常,例外发生的时间最短。意义:暴露时间与功率密度之间的相互关系为转化研究作为总施用剂量的函数增加了意义。这种关系将固化曲线确定为曝光时间与功率密度之间的普遍相关性。



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