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Distribution and abundance of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) along the Antarctic Peninsula

机译:南极磷虾(Euphausia superba)在南极半岛的分布和丰度

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Net-based data on the abundance, distribution, and demographic patterns of Antarctic krill are quantified from a contemporaneous two ship survey of the Antarctic Peninsula during austral summer 2011. Two survey areas were sampled focussed on Marguerite Bay in the south, and the tip of the Antarctic Peninsula in the north. Data from 177 stations showed that the highest concentrations of krill were found in the southern sampling area. Differences between areas were associated with a few large catches of one year old krill found in anomalously warm and productive waters in Marguerite Bay, and small krill catches in the less-productive, offshore waters in the north. Estimated krill density across the survey area was 3.4 krill m~(-2), and was low compared to the long-term average of 45 krill m~(-2) for the Elephant Island area. Overall recruitment between the two survey regions was similar, but per capita recruitment was about 60% lower than historical mean recruitment levels measured at Elephant Island since the late 1970s. Demographic patterns showed small krill concentrated near the coast, and large krill concentrated offshore on the shelf and slope all along the survey area. The offshore distribution of adult krill was delineated by the warm (~1 ℃), low salinity (33.8) water at 30 m, suggesting that most krill were present shoreward of the southern boundary of Antarctic Circumpolar Current Front. Distributions of larvae indicated that three hotspot areas were important for the production of krill: slope areas outside Marguerite Bay and north of the South Shetland Islands, and near the coast around Antarctic Sound. Successful spawning, as inferred from larval abundance, was roughly coincident with the shelf break and not with inshore waters. Given the rapid changes in climate along the Antarctic Peninsula and the lower per capita recruitment observed in recent years, studies comparing and contrasting production, growth, and recruitment across the Peninsula will be critical to better understand how climate change will impact krill populations and their dependent predators in the Scotia Sea.
机译:基于南极磷虾的丰度,分布和人口统计学特征的基于网络的数据,是根据2011年夏季南极半岛同时进行的两船调查得出的。对两个调查区域进行了采样,重点是南部的玛格丽特湾和南端的玛格丽特湾。北部的南极半岛。来自177个测站的数据表明,在南部采样区发现的磷虾浓度最高。区域之间的差异与在玛格丽特湾异常温暖和多产的水域中发现的一些大只一岁磷虾捕捞有关,而在北部低产的近海水域中发现了小磷虾。整个调查区域的磷虾密度估计为3.4磷虾米-(-2),与大象岛地区的45磷虾米-(-2)的长期平均值相比较低。两个调查区域之间的总体招聘情况相似,但人均招聘量比1970年代末以来大象岛的历史平均招聘水平低60%。人口统计学特征表明,小磷虾集中在海岸附近,大磷虾集中在近海架和整个调查区域的斜坡上。成年磷虾的近海分布被30 m处的温水(〜1℃),低盐度(33.8)水划定,表明大多数磷虾位于南极绕极洋流锋南部边界的岸边。幼虫的分布表明,三个热点区域对磷虾的生产很重要:玛格丽特湾外和南设得兰群岛以北以及南极海峡附近海岸附近的斜坡地区。从幼虫的丰度推断,成功产卵与架子破裂有关,而与近海无关。鉴于南极半岛气候的快速变化以及近年来观察到的人均招募人数较低,比较和对比整个半岛的生产,增长和招募的研究对于更好地了解气候变化将如何影响磷虾种群及其依赖者至关重要。斯科舍海捕食者。



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