首页> 外文期刊>Deep-Sea Research >First observations of the structure and megafaunal community of a large Lophelia reef on the Ghanaian shelf (the Gulf of Guinea)

First observations of the structure and megafaunal community of a large Lophelia reef on the Ghanaian shelf (the Gulf of Guinea)


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The distribution of cold-water coral reefs is relatively well known in the North-east Atlantic as compared to the Central-east Atlantic, where only a few documentations exist from low latitudes. In 2012 an initial survey was conducted on a reef situated at 400 m depth on the continental shelf off Ghana. The reef corals and fauna were visually documented using a Video Assisted Multi Sampler (VAMS) coupled with an ROV. Here we present the results from three dives on the 1400 m long and 70 m high reef with an ambient temperatures between 9 and 10 CC. The banana shaped reef was oriented perpendicular to the main current, the convex side facing the current and there was no sign of human impact. The great height of the reef is probably a result of undisturbed growth for more than 20,000 years. On the Norwegian continental shelf the largest reefs are around 30 m high and have been aged to 9000 years. The reef morphology resembles that of Northeast Atlantic Lophelia reefs. The main reef building coral was Lophelia pertusa with contribution from Madrepora oculata, Solenosmilia variabilis, and occasional occurrences of Dendrophyllia cf. alternata. The skeleton of Aphrocallistes beatrix (Hexactinellidae) contributed to the reef framework and the reef consisted of 46% coral blocks 22% sediment, 13% coral rubble, 11% sponge skeleton and 8% live corals.
机译:与大西洋中部相比,东北大西洋中冷水珊瑚礁的分布相对广为人知,那里的低纬度文献很少。 2012年,对加纳外陆架深400 m的珊瑚礁进行了初步调查。使用视频辅助多采样器(VAMS)和ROV视觉记录珊瑚礁和动物群。在这里,我们展示了在1400 m长和70 m高的礁石上,环境温度在9到10 CC之间进行的3次潜水的结果。香蕉形珊瑚礁的方向垂直于主水流,凸面朝向水流,没有人为撞击的迹象。礁石的高度很高,可能是超过20,000年不受干扰的生长的结果。在挪威大陆架上,最大的珊瑚礁高约30 m,并且已经老化了9000年。珊瑚礁的形态类似于东北大西洋金缕梅珊瑚礁。造礁的主要珊瑚是Lophelia pertusa,其中有Madrepora oculata,Solenosmilia variabilis和偶尔出现的Dendrophylliacf。交替八角莲的骨骼构成了珊瑚礁的骨架,该礁石由46%的珊瑚块,22%的沉积物,13%的珊瑚碎石,11%的海绵骨架和8%的活珊瑚组成。



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