首页> 外文期刊>Decision Sciences >A Psychometric Evaluation of the Expectations, Perceptions, and Difference- Scores Generated by the IS-Adapted SERVQUAL Instrument

A Psychometric Evaluation of the Expectations, Perceptions, and Difference- Scores Generated by the IS-Adapted SERVQUAL Instrument


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This article describes the results of a study assessing the psychometric properties of the expectations and perceptions-of-performance instruments and the difference-score data contained within the information systems (IS)-Adapted SERVQUAL measurement par- adigm. The central claim of this study is: In order for rational inferences to be made about service expectations, service performance perceptions, or the gap between them, each of the two instruments must exhibit reasonable psychometric properties in isolation before difference-scores are taken. Analysis of data from a field study (N = 401) through structural equation modeling (SEM) techniques produces empirical evidence indicating that both of the instruments exhibit low psychometric quality and yet the difference- scores exhibit "psychometric inflation."
机译:本文介绍了一项研究结果,该研究评估了期望和性能感知工具的心理测量特性以及信息系统(IS)适配的SERVQUAL测量范式中包含的差异评分数据。这项研究的核心主张是:为了对服务期望,服务绩效感知或两者之间的差距做出合理的推断,在采用差异评分之前,两种工具中的每一种都必须孤立地表现出合理的心理计量学特性。通过结构方程模型(SEM)技术对现场研究(N = 401)的数据进行分析得出的经验证据表明,这两种工具均表现出较低的心理测验质量,而差异分数却表现出“心理测验通货膨胀”。



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