首页> 外文期刊>Cybernetics, IEEE Transactions on >Exemplar-Based Human Action Pose Correction

Exemplar-Based Human Action Pose Correction


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The launch of Xbox Kinect has built a very successful computer vision product and made a big impact on the gaming industry. This sheds lights onto a wide variety of potential applications related to action recognition. The accurate estimation of human poses from the depth image is universally a critical step. However, existing pose estimation systems exhibit failures when facing severe occlusion. In this paper, we propose an exemplar-based method to learn to correct the initially estimated poses. We learn an inhomogeneous systematic bias by leveraging the exemplar information within a specific human action domain. Furthermore, as an extension, we learn a conditional model by incorporation of pose tags to further increase the accuracy of pose correction. In the experiments, significant improvements on both joint-based skeleton correction and tag prediction are observed over the contemporary approaches, including what is delivered by the current Kinect system. Our experiments for the facial landmark correction also illustrate that our algorithm can improve the accuracy of other detection/estimation systems.
机译:Xbox Kinect的发布构建了非常成功的计算机视觉产品,并对游戏行业产生了重大影响。这为与动作识别相关的各种潜在应用提供了启示。通常,从深度图像准确估计人体姿势是至关重要的一步。但是,现有的姿势估计系统在遇到严重遮挡时会出现故障。在本文中,我们提出了一种基于示例的方法来学习校正初始估计的姿势。我们通过利用特定人类行为域内的示例信息来了解不均匀的系统偏差。此外,作为扩展,我们通过合并姿势标签来学习条件模型,以进一步提高姿势校正的准确性。在实验中,在基于关节的骨骼校正和标签预测方面都观察到了与现代方法相比的显着改进,包括当前Kinect系统提供的方法。我们对人脸界标校正的实验还表明,我们的算法可以提高其他检测/估计系统的准确性。



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