首页> 外文期刊>Contemporary social science >Mobilising the experiential knowledge of clinicians, patients and carers for applied health-care research

Mobilising the experiential knowledge of clinicians, patients and carers for applied health-care research


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This article demonstrates the benefits of combining various types of knowledge for applied health research. Funding is available for health research despite these being 'austere times' for public services and international policy shifts recognise the role that patients, carers and the public can play in research. In England the National Institute for Health Research, Research Design Service (RDS) was created to ensure that the experiential knowledge of clinicians working in the National Health Service is informed by methodological expertise to achieve relevant research outcomes. The RDS also facilitates patient and public involvement in research, framed as 'PPI'. This raises the question of how PPI impacts on research design and funding and which patients or members of the public should be involved in which aspects of research. To answer these questions we present case studies that draw on the expertise of academics, clinicians, patients and the public in applied health research. These cases demonstrate that where patients with direct experience of the condition that is to be studied are actively involved as advisers early on in applied health research, this can enhance the likelihood of successful funding applications, ethical aspects of research and the relevance of questionnaires and interventions to patients. For comparative purposes, we give an example of an unsuccessful research proposal. We contribute to theoretical development through refining the conceptualisation of PPI by unpicking the different roles that members of the public play as lay people, distinguishing this from the specific expertise that comes from direct experience of being a service user, carer or patient. We conclude that different types of knowledge are required for applied health research: methodological expertise, practice-based expertise, and the experiential expertise of patients or carers. While there are no guarantees, the scrutiny function performed by lay involvement in research funding panels can challenge the balance of power.
机译:本文展示了将各种类型的知识结合起来进行应用健康研究的好处。尽管现在是公共服务的“严峻时期”,但卫生研究仍可获得资金,国际政策的转变也认识到了患者,护理人员和公众可以在研究中发挥的作用。在英格兰,创建了国家卫生研究院,研究设计服务(RDS),以确保通过方法学专业知识为在国家卫生局工作的临床医生提供经验知识,以实现相关的研究成果。 RDS还促进患者和公众参与研究,称为“ PPI”。这就提出了一个问题,即PPI如何影响研究设计和资金,以及哪些患者或公众应该参与哪些研究领域。为了回答这些问题,我们提供了案例研究,这些案例借鉴了学者,临床医生,患者和公众在应用健康研究中的专业知识。这些案例表明,如果有直接要研究的疾病经验的患者在早期就积极参与应用健康研究的顾问工作,则可以增加成功资助申请,研究的伦理方面以及问卷和干预措施的相关性的可能性。给病人为了进行比较,我们给出了一个失败的研究建议的例子。我们通过取消公众作为外行人所扮演的不同角色来完善PPI的概念化,从而为理论发展做出贡献,并将其与作为服务用户,护理者或患者的直接经验而来的特定专业知识区分开来。我们得出结论,应用健康研究需要不同类型的知识:方法学专业知识,基于实践的专业知识以及患者或护理人员的经验专业知识。尽管没有保证,但由非专业人士参与研究资助小组执行的审查功能可能会挑战权力的平衡。



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