
All Wet


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There is no life without water. And like life, water is something that many people take for granted. While some parts of the United States, particularly the Southwest, face very real shortages, it doesn't look as though we'll be reduced to wearing the water-capturing suits of Frank Herbert's desert-world Done novels any time soon. That being said, freshwater isn't as bountiful as many would think. "It is constantly going to be more expensive to acquire potable water," says Kim Shinn, P.E., LEED AP, principal and division director with TLC Engi-neering for Architecture's Nashville office. While the earth's surface is more than 70% water, less than 3% of that is freshwater, and only a fraction of that is potable and readily accessible to the human population—especially in places like Phoenix and Las Vegas. "We're increasingly putting our buildings in places where there is not an abundance of water, and we're doing it with sort of a blind eye toward that," says Shinn. According to the Rocky Mountain Institute, a nonprofit organization based in Snowmass, Colo., nonresidential consumption accounts for 53% of total water used by U.S. com- munities, and 70% of that is for commer-cial, industrial and institutional use. "We're building and consuming at a rate that's unsustain able," Shinn says. "We've got to match our [water] consumption to make it more equivalent to what the earth's natural cycle can provide us with."
机译:没有水就没有生命。就像生活一样,水是许多人理所当然的事情。尽管美国的某些地区,尤其是西南部地区,确实面临着严重的短缺,但似乎我们很快就不会沦落到穿着弗兰克·赫伯特(Frank Herbert)的荒漠世界完成的小说中令人垂涎的套装中了。话虽如此,淡水并不像许多人想象的那样丰富。 TLC Engi-neering建筑事务所纳什维尔办事处负责人和部门主管LEED AP的金·辛恩(Kim Shinn),P.E。PE.E.表示:“获取饮用水的价格将不断上涨。”虽然地球表面的水含量超过70%,但其中不到3%是淡水,而且其中只有一小部分是可饮用的,并且容易被人类使用-特别是在凤凰城和拉斯维加斯等地。 Shinn说:“我们越来越多地将建筑物放在没有大量水的地方,对此我们视而不见。”据位于科罗拉多州斯诺马斯市的非营利组织落基山研究所(Rocky Mountain Institute)称,非居民用水占美国社区用水总量的53%,其中70%用于商业,工业和机构用水。 Shinn说:“我们正在以无法维持的速度建设和消费。” “我们必须匹配我们的[水]消耗量,使其与地球的自然循环所能提供的能量相当。”



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