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Knowledge management: The effect of knowledge transfer on professional skepticism in audit engagement planning


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The objective of this study is to test how the transfer of auditing knowledge, along with other variables, work together to impact the level of professional skepticism in auditors and answer the crucial question of how auditors' competencies and expertise jointly interact with the knowledge transfer process. The study attempts to test these components in an empirical model, decomposing them and showing how they affect skepticism by comparing how knowledge is transferred in experts as compared to novices. The results of this study show that the differences between the expert auditors and the novices strengthened support for the role of knowledge and expertise in improving skepticism in engagement planning. The results of our study illustrate that knowledge transfer plays an important role in enhancing auditor professional skepticism, thereby improving the accuracy of auditor judgments. Also, as suggested by Nelson (2009), expert knowledge, position, and judgment were significant factors in the planning of an audit engagement. However, trait effects (as captured by firm effects) were not significant in explaining auditors' judgments. These results are important in that they illustrate the significance of the role that knowledge transfer functions in facilitating auditors' exercise of appropriate professional skepticism in audit engagement planning. (C) 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:这项研究的目的是测试审计知识的转移以及其他变量如何共同影响审计师的专业怀疑水平,并回答以下关键问题:审计师的能力和专业知识如何与知识转移过程共同相互作用。这项研究试图在经验模型中测试这些成分,分解它们,并通过比较专家和新手之间的知识转移方式,展示它们如何影响怀疑论。这项研究的结果表明,专家审核员和新手之间的差异加强了对知识和专业知识在改善参与计划中的怀疑论方面的作用的支持。我们的研究结果表明,知识转移在增强审计师的专业怀疑度方面发挥着重要作用,从而提高了审计师判断的准确性。另外,正如尼尔森(Nelson)(2009)所建议的那样,专家知识,职位和判断力是规划审计工作的重要因素。但是,特质效应(由公司效应捕获)在解释审计师的判断上并不重要。这些结果之所以重要,是因为它们说明了知识转移在促进审计师在审计参与计划中行使适当的专业怀疑态度方面的作用的重要性。 (C)2017 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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