首页> 外文期刊>Computers in Human Behavior >Cyberbullying victimization and symptoms of depression and anxiety among Chinese adolescents: Examining hopelessness as a mediator and self-compassion as a moderator

Cyberbullying victimization and symptoms of depression and anxiety among Chinese adolescents: Examining hopelessness as a mediator and self-compassion as a moderator


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Cyberbullying victimization has been identified as a significant vulnerability factor in the development of adolescents' depression and anxiety. However, little is known about the underlying processes that may mediate or moderate these relationships. The present study examined hopelessness as a mediator and self-compassion as a moderator in the relations between cyberbullying victimization and symptoms of depression and anxiety. The sample consisted of 489 Chinese early adolescents aged from 11 to 15 years (M = 12.67, SD = 0.75; 43.6% girls) who completed measures of cyberbullying victimization, hopelessness, self-compassion, depression, and anxiety. Bias-corrected bootstrap method was employed to test the proposed moderated mediation models. Results indicated that after controlling for participants' gender and age, hopelessness partially mediated the relationships between cyberbullying victimization and depression as well as anxiety. The direct effects of cyberbullying victimization on depression and anxiety, and the mediation effects of hopelessness were moderated by self-compassion. Specifically, these effects were much stronger for adolescents with lower self-compassion. The present study can extend our knowledge about how, when, and when of how cyberbullying victimization is related to depression and anxiety. Limitations and practical implications of this study are further discussed. (C) 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:网络欺凌受害已被确定为青少年抑郁症和焦虑症发展的重要脆弱性因素。但是,对于可能介导或调节这些关系的基本过程知之甚少。本研究研究了网络欺凌受害者与抑郁和焦虑症状之间关系的无可救药作为中介者和自我同情作为主持人。该样本包括489位11至15岁的中国早期青少年(M = 12.67,SD = 0.75; 43.6%的女孩),他们完成了网络欺凌行为,绝望,自我同情,抑郁和焦虑的测量。偏差校正的自举方法用于测试建议的调解模型。结果表明,在控制了参与者的性别和年龄之后,绝望在一定程度上介导了网络欺凌受害者与抑郁和焦虑之间的关系。自我同情减轻了网络欺凌受害者对抑郁和焦虑的直接影响以及绝望的调解作用。具体地说,这些影响对于自我同情度较低的青少年要强得多。本研究可以扩展我们的知识,了解网络欺凌受害如何,何时以及何时与抑郁症和焦虑症相关。进一步讨论了这项研究的局限性和实际意义。 (C)2018 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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