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Alternative generation and multiobjective evaluation using a design framework: Case study on sterile filling processes of biopharmaceuticals


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In biopharmaceutical manufacturing, single-use equipment is becoming popular for small-scale production schemes instead of stainless steel equipment. In this work, a decision support framework is presented to systematically generate alternatives at multiple decision layers. The framework includes decision layers for product specifications, the process flowsheet, equipment material, and operating conditions. Generated alternatives are evaluated on their economic and environmental impacts in addition to the risks regarding product quality and supply robustness. A case study was performed, where a comprehensive set of alternatives for equipment material was investigated with representative elements from other layers for the sterile filling of biopharmaceuticals. The results confirmed the preference for single-use equipment for small-scale and short-term production. Results also showed a preference for using fixed equipment for large-scale and long-term production. Generated hybrid alternatives outperformed empirically generated alternatives and provided a compromise between the competing environmental and economic indicators. (C) 2018 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
机译:在生物制药生产中,一次性设备已取代不锈钢设备而成为小规模生产计划的主流。在这项工作中,提出了决策支持框架以在多个决策层系统地生成替代方案。该框架包括用于产品规格,过程流程图,设备材料和操作条件的决策层。除了有关产品质量和供应稳健性的风险外,还将评估生成的替代品对经济和环境的影响。进行了一个案例研究,其中对设备材料的一整套替代方案进行了研究,其中包括来自其他层的代表性元素,用于生物制药的无菌填充。结果证实了小规模和短期生产首选一次性设备。结果还显示了使用固定设备进行大规模和长期生产的偏好。产生的混合动力替代方案优于经验产生的替代动力,并在竞争性环境和经济指标之间取得了折衷。 (C)2018由Elsevier Ltd.发布



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