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Standardised system for automatic remote evaluation of biometric algorithms


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It is difficult to generate significant results when evaluating algorithms developed in biometrics. Additionally, when third parties, such as system integrators, want to compare results among different algorithm providers, they cannot do so easily for several reasons: difficulty accessing large databases, inability to exchange biometric data among researchers due to data protection laws in some countries, or the lack comprehensive and standardised evaluation reports. This paper presents a new performance evaluation system for biometric systems that is secure, automatic and remote. This system has been developed using current standards developed within ISO/IEC JTC1/SC37 for data Formats, Application Program Interfaces (APIs) and evaluation methodology. Standardised technology is able to provide developers in biometrics and third parties with a way to perform comprehensive evaluations remotely and with 24/7 availability without compromising the privacy of the individuals included in the test crew. The solution described here offers the developers the ability to evaluate large databases that are stored in a secured centralised server. As this system is modality-independent, researchers can use the same protocol to perform different evaluations, and therefore lower the overhead costs for testing purposes. Additionally, such protocols can be plugged directly into end-user applications, minimising technology transfer costs. The system is described by block diagrams as well as flowcharts.
机译:在评估生物识别技术中开发的算法时,很难产生明显的结果。此外,当第三方(例如系统集成商)想要比较不同算法提供商之间的结果时,由于以下几个原因,他们不容易做到这一点:难以访问大型数据库;由于某些国家/地区的数据保护法,研究人员之间无法交换生物识别数据;或缺乏全面,标准化的评估报告。本文提出了一种新的生物识别系统性能评估系统,该系统是安全的,自动的和远程的。该系统是使用ISO / IEC JTC1 / SC37中开发的当前标准开发的,用于数据格式,应用程序接口(API)和评估方法。标准化技术能够为生物识别技术和第三方的开发人员提供一种远程执行综合评估的方式,并具有24/7的可用性,而不会损害测试人员中个人的隐私。此处描述的解决方案使开发人员能够评估存储在安全的集中式服务器中的大型数据库。由于该系统与模式无关,因此研究人员可以使用相同的协议执行不同的评估,因此可以降低用于测试目的的间接费用。此外,可以将此类协议直接插入最终用户应用程序,从而最大程度地降低技术转让成本。该系统由框图和流程图描述。



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