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Virtual Worlds: A New Reality for Treating Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder


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Science does not follow a linear path. Yet, persistence counts in research, and that's the case with virtual worlds. In the 1990s, many people perceived virtual worlds as a fad. Researchers and developers had to wait until innovations in networking, computer graphics, and haptics made the basic elements of VR inexpensive and ubiquitous. The Nintendo Wii is a great example of how technology has progressed in 15 years, with 100 times the performance and 1/100 the cost of high-end workstations from the '90s. Suddenly, a new virtual world is appearing on the Internet each week. Just as suddenly, many researchers can afford to expose many people to the technology, test hypotheses, and explore new problems. Modern society's problems aren't linear either and can appear almost from nowhere. In the 1980s, HIV caused governments everywhere to respond with huge new research programs, which are having an impact. Today's challenge is almost as pernicious because identifying and treating it is difficult - and its cost to society can be just as devastating. That challenge is post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and the science of virtual worlds might well be a major factor in meeting it.
机译:科学并不遵循线性路径。然而,持久性在研究中很重要,虚拟世界就是这种情况。在1990年代,许多人将虚拟世界视为一种时尚。研究人员和开发人员必须等到网络,计算机图形学和触觉技术的创新使VR的基本要素廉价且普遍存在。 Nintendo Wii是技术发展15年的一个很好的例子,其性能是90年代90年代高端工作站的100倍,成本是其1/100。突然,每周都有一个新的虚拟世界出现在Internet上。突然之间,许多研究人员可以负担得起许多人使用该技术,检验假设并探索新问题的能力。现代社会的问题也不是线性的,而且几乎无处不在。在1980年代,艾滋病毒使各地政府以巨大的新研究计划作出回应,并产生了影响。当今的挑战几乎是同样有害的,因为很难识别和治疗它-它给社会造成的损失可能同样是灾难性的。这项挑战是创伤后应激障碍(PTSD),虚拟世界的科学很可能是满足这一要求的主要因素。



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