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a~It~Pm: a Strategy for Integrating IP with ATM


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This paper describes research on new methods and architectures that enable the synergistic combination of IP and ATM technologies. We have designed a highly scalable gigabit IP router based on an ATM core and a set of tightly coupled general-purpose processors. This a~It~Pm (pronounced "IP on ATM" or, if you prefer, "ip-attem") archi- lecture provides flexibility in congestion control, routing, resource management, and packet scheduling. The a~It~Pm architecture is designed to allow experimentation with, and fine tuning of, the protocols and algorithms that are expected to form the core of the next generation IP in the context of a gigabit environment. The underlying multi-CPU embedded system will ensure that there are enough CPU and memory cycles to perform all IP packet processing at gigabit rates. We believe that the a~It~Pm architecture will not only lead to a scalable high-performance gigabit IP router technology, but will also demonstrate that IP and ATM technologies can be mutually supportive.
机译:本文介绍了有关实现IP和ATM技术协同结合的新方法和体系结构的研究。我们设计了一个基于ATM内核和一组紧密耦合的通用处理器的高度可扩展的千兆IP路由器。这个a〜It〜Pm(发音为“ IP on ATM”,或者,如果您更喜欢“ ip-attem”)体系结构在拥塞控制,路由,资源管理和数据包调度方面提供了灵活性。 aIt-Pm体系结构旨在允许对千兆位环境中构成下一代IP核心的协议和算法进行试验和微调。底层的多CPU嵌入式系统将确保有足够的CPU和内存周期来以千兆位速率执行所有IP数据包处理。我们认为,aIt-Pm体系结构不仅会带来可扩展的高性能千兆IP路由器技术,还将证明IP和ATM技术可以相互支持。



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