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Assign Command And Control Of Wmp Functions To Shortcut Icons


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Windows Media Player can be controlled through command-line instructions. For example, you can instruct it to open on a specific tab, start up and play a specific playlist, or immediately copy tracks from a CD. These commands and more can be placed in a shortcut and activated simply by double-clicking on the shortcut icon. To set up a command shortcut, right-click on the shortcut you use to launch WMP 11 and then select Properties. In the Target field, add the command to the end of the shortcut. For example.the shortcut probably currently reads C:Program FilesWindows Media Playerwmplayer.exe. To start the player and play a playlist called Thekillers, you'd change this to C:Program FilesWindows Media Playerwmplayer.exe /Playlist Thekillers.
机译:Windows Media Player可以通过命令行说明进行控制。例如,您可以指示它在特定选项卡上打开,启动并播放特定的播放列表,或立即从CD复制曲目。这些命令以及更多命令可以放在快捷方式中,只需双击快捷方式图标即可激活它们。要设置命令快捷方式,请右键单击用于启动WMP 11的快捷方式,然后选择“属性”。在“目标”字段中,将命令添加到快捷方式的末尾。例如,快捷方式当前可能读取C: Program Files Windows Media Player wmplayer.exe。要启动播放器并播放名为Thekillers的播放列表,请将其更改为C: Program Files Windows Media Player wmplayer.exe / Playlist Thekillers。



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