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Single-mode solution for post-buckling analysis of composite panels with elastic restraints loaded in compression


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A closed-form solution is obtained to determine the buckling and post-buckling behavior of elastically restrained composite panels under compressive loading. The approach allows to study the response of stiffened panels undergoing local buckling modes, taking into account the restraints provided by the stiff eners to the rotation of the skin edges. The panels are modeled as thin plates referring to Marguerre type equations together with classical lamination theory. The equations are written in non-dimensional form, allowing for the study of a wide class of orthotropic laminates. The problem is formulated in terms of out of plane displacement, represented with a single-mode approximation, and Airy stress function. The com patibility equation is solved exactly, while the method of Galerkin is applied to impose the equilibrium. The buckling load, the out of plane displacement at different load levels, and the post-buckling stiffness are derived and compared with finite element analyses, revealing good accuracy. Sensitivity analyses are also performed obtaining design charts.



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